Adaptive Management

The Adaptive Management Program was
created to provide science-based
recommendations and technical information
to assist the Forest Practices Board in
determining if and when it is necessary
or advisable to adjust rules and guidance.
The Forest Practices Board also uses this
program to adjust other rules and guidance.
Learn more about our projects on the AMP DASHBOARD.
See completed work on the 

Three desired outcomes:

  • Certainty that changes are needed
  • A predictable and stable process of change that landowners, regulators, and interested members of the public can anticipate and prepare for
  • Studies with quality design, execution, and results interpretation
The Forest Practices Adaptive Management Program is a multi-caucus program that includes representatives from several state agencies including Fish and WildlifeEcology, and DNR; federal agencies (particularly National Marine Fisheries ServiceU.S. Fish and Wildlife Service, and Environmental Protection Agency); forest landowners; county governments; the environmental community and tribal governments. Representatives of these caucuses participate on two key Adaptive Management Program committees established by the Forest Practices Board: the Timber, Fish and Wildlife Policy Committee and the Cooperative Monitoring, Evaluation, and Research Committee (CMER).
In-depth information about the Adaptive Management program is available in the Forest Practices Board Manual Section 22 - Guidelines for Adaptive Management Program and Forest Practices Rules WAC 222-12-045.