Crowberry Bog Natural Area Preserve

“raised plateau” bog
This 321-acre preserve protects the only known example of a “raised plateau” bog in the western coterminous United States, as well as occurrences of a state-candidate butterfly species, a state-sensitive plant, and two rare moss species. Raised plateau bogs have a central plateau that is noticeably elevated above the surrounding land due to thousands of years of peat accumulation slowly building up the surface of the bog.  In the case of Crowberry Bog, the center of the plateau is approximately nine feet higher than the surrounding land. This creates ombotrophic conditions, meaning the bog only receives water and nutrients from direct precipitation rather than from the surrounding landscape. Vegetation in the bog is adapted to these conditions and includes plants such as sphagnum moss, bog laurel, Labrador tea, bog cranberry and black crowberry - after which the bog is named. 
Features Protected: Raised bog, forested sphagnum bog, Makah copper butterfly, long-styled sedge, Austin’s sphagnum moss, small-capsule dung moss
Ecoregion: Northwest Coast  (Jefferson County) 


Public and private universities, other research institutions and individual researchers may contact DNR to propose a research project at the site. If you are interested in pursuing research at Crowberry Bog NAP, please contact David Wilderman, natural areas ecologist, at
Example of research and monitoring 
F. Joseph Rocchio, Edward Gage, Tynan Ramm-Granberg, Andrea K. Borkenhagen, David J. Cooper. 2021. Ecohydrological characteristics of a newly identified coastal raised bog on the western Olympic Peninsula. Ecohydrology, Volume 14, Issue 4.  


Currently, no formal educational programs are available at Crowberry Bog NAP. The site is not ADA accessible and facilities are not available. For more information, contact the DNR Olympic Region natural areas manager.