Forest Regulation


Updates about fpOnline

We’re working on modernizing our Forest Practices Application process with fpOnline, a new online portal for FPA applications, notices, status updates and more. 
DNR’s Forest Regulation program administers the rules that protect public safety, water quality, and fish and wildlife habitat on the 12 million acres of Washington’s state-owned and private forestlands. 
The rules, developed by the Forest Practices Board, protect public safety and public resources – including standards for logging, road construction, pesticide application, and other forestry-related activities – while maintaining a viable forest products industry in Washington.  
The program also assists Washington’s family forest owners through its Small Forest Landowner Office. The office provides technical and financial assistance to help owners to manage their unique lands meet their goals while keeping the forestlands on the landscape – be it through protecting or restoring fish and wildlife habitat, reducing fuels for wildfires, improving forest health, generating money, or all of the above.  
Here’s where to find help if you’re interested in harvesting timber, building or repairing forest roads or culverts, thinning your forest, or other forest practices.
Photo by Ken Bevis
Forest Practices Board
Forest Practices Applications
Frequently Asked Questions and Answers Documents
Forest Practices Adaptive Management Program
Small Forest Landowner Office
More Resources
Forest Practices Training