
Dredging is a critical activity that affects the lives of nearly every Washington State citizen and visitor. The Dredged Material Management Program (DMMP) represents a coordinated multi-agency approach to management of dredged materials in the state of Washington. The cooperating agencies include the Washington State Department of Natural Resources; the U.S. Army Corps of Engineers - Seattle District; the U.S. Environmental Protection Agency - Region 10, and the Washington Department of Ecology.
We are committed to protecting the aquatic environment through stringent oversight of all disposal activities occurring on the public’s state-owned aquatic lands. Two location-specific programs exist under the program's framework.
DNR manages Washington dredging in cooperation with other state and federal agencies.
  • The Dredged Material Management Program manages disposal within Puget Sound, Strait of Juan de Fuca, and coastal embayments of the Grays Harbor and Willapa Bay sites.
  • The Columbia River Disposal Program manages the disposal of dredged materials on the Washington side of the river.
Using this framework, DNR manages eight unconfined open-water dredged material disposal sites around Puget Sound and two sites each in Grays Harbor and Willapa Bay. Use of the sites must be requested and approved prior to entering state lands for the purpose of disposal.
For more information, view our Dredged Material Management Fact Sheet. (PDF) 163kb

Application Requirements

Before dredgers may take dredged material to one of DNR's unconfined open-water dredged material disposal sites, they must obtain a valid Site Use Authorization (SUA) from the DNR's DMMP office. View DNR's Application Instructions and Site Use Application for obtaining a SUA.

Reporting Requirements

DNR is committed to protecting the aquatic environment through stringent oversight of all disposal activities occurring under a SUA. DNR accomplishes this by imposing specific reporting requirements for every load of dredged material taken to one of DNR's unconfined open-water dredged material disposal sites. Disposal Site Report Use and Monthly Disposal Statement forms, once completed, may be submitted via email, fax courier, or mail.


Users of any DNR's unconfined open-water dredged material disposal sites must pay disposal fees, which are assessed at a per cubic yard rate and subject to a minimum application fee. These fees are authorized under RCW 79.105.520, and under WAC 332-30-166. View the current Fee Structure.  
Mail Completed Application and Associated Documents to:
Department of Natural Resources
Aquatic Resources Division
ATTN: Shannon Soto, DMMP Manager
1111 Washington Street SE
MS:  47027
Olympia, WA  98504-7027