Current Wildfire Incident Information
Before lighting fire, please check for any local burn restrictions.
Communicating Wildfire Information
During major wildfires, DNR and our wildfire response partners work to ensure you receive accurate information as quickly as possible. The best way to get up-to-date information on wildfires is to follow the #WaWILDFIRE hashtag on Twitter. DNR provides information about
wildfires that are notable, due to location or size, on Twitter at @waDNR_fire.

DNR and other wildfire response agencies work collaboratively to provide information about large fires on Inciweb (the Incident Information System) and through the Northwest Interagency Coordination Center (see morning briefings).
Public Information Officers act as an official spokesperson for a wildfire incident and are responsible for keeping the community and media outlets informed of wildfire updates.
Local emergency management offices, such as sheriff departments or local fire districts, order and communicate evacuations when needed and other emergency activities outside of the work to combat wildfire. If you find yourself in a wildfire emergency, always follow the directions of public safety personnel. In an evacuation, use the "P's of Preparedness" to focus your efforts.
Active Wildfires in Washington
The Washington DNR fire dashboard is active throughout the fire season and shows up-to-date information on wildfires affecting Washington state. View a full screen version of the DNR fire dashboard here. Click on icons to find current wildfire information.
The Inciweb website provides information on large wildfires burning throughout the nation, including Washington.
The Northwest Interagency Coordination Center maintains a blog with official fire information. You can also follow them in Twitter at @nwccinfo.
A map from the National Wildfire Coordinating Group also provides basic information, such as jurisdiction, on medium and large active fires. Note: the map is based on the best available data, which can change quickly as wildfires unfold. For the most accurate and/or current perimeter data, contact the agency with jurisdiction.
Information on current DNR wildfires
Follow @waDNR_fire on Twitter
DNR information sources
Check the DNR Burn Risk Map for current fire danger in your county.
Use our recreation map and click through to site-specific information on campgrounds or recreation sites closed due to wildfires.
The cause of a fire being investigated by DNR may be available quickly, or may take several months, depending on complexity.
Please check burn restrictions before lighting any fire.
Partner information sources
DNR is using Washington National Guard assistance.
Washington Military Department, Emergency Management Division
National Interagency Fire Center, Boise, Idaho