Marbled Murrelet Long-Term Conservation Strategy
The Board of Natural Resources adopted a long-term conservation strategy for the marbled murrelet at its meeting on Tuesday, December 3, 2019. The adopted murrelet conservation strategy is the product of more than two decades of research and collaboration with scientists and community members throughout western Washington to develop a conservation plan for the federally threatened species.
Below are the Final Amendment to the 1997 State Trust Lands Habitat Conservation Plan, the U.S. Fish and Wildlife Service (USFWS) decision documents related to that decision, and the Board of Natural Resources’ resolution to adopt the Final Amendment.
Final Amendment (Exhibit A)
USFWS Transmittal Letter
USFWS Findings
USFWS Approved Incidental Take Permit (Exhibit B)
USFWS Record of Decision
USFWS Biological Opinion
Board of Natural Resources Resolution #1559
USFWS Transmittal Letter
USFWS Findings
USFWS Approved Incidental Take Permit (Exhibit B)
USFWS Record of Decision
USFWS Biological Opinion
Board of Natural Resources Resolution #1559
The U.S. Fish and Wildlife Service has listed the marbled murrelet as a threatened species since 1992. DNR signed the State Trust Lands Habitat Conservation Plan with the Fish and Wildlife Service in 1997, which contained an interim strategy for the marbled murrelet. The Final Amendment replaced this interim strategy.
Interactive Story Map - October 2019
Explore the alternatives considered in the final environmental impact statement and DNR’s HCP Amendment with this interactive story map.
Addendum Documents - October 2019
Revised Appendix P - Financial Analysis
Revised Appendix R - Taxing District Analysis
Final Environmental Impact Statement
The final environmental impact statement (FEIS) evaluated seven alternative long-term conservation strategies and a no-action alternative (the interim strategy in the HCP). Each action alternative provided a unique approach to marbled murrelet habitat conservation, designating varying amounts of habitat for conservation and applying conservation measures to ensure long-term protection of forestlands important to the marbled murrelet.
FEIS - September 2019
Complete Final EIS (not including appendices)
FEIS in sections
Opening Pages (Cover, Commissioner's Letter, Fact Sheet, Table of Contents)
Chapter 1 - Introduction
Chapter 2 - The Alternatives
Chapter 3 - Affected Environment
Chapter 4 - Environmental Consequences
Chapter 5 - Cumulative Effects
Chapter 6 - Literature Cited
Chapter 7 - Key Definitions
Appendix A - Scoping Report
Appendix B - Analytical Framework Focus Paper
Appendix C - Population Viability Analysis
Appendix D - Occupied Sites Focus Paper
Appendix E - P-Stage Focus Paper
Appendix F - Maps of Marbled Murrelet Conservation Areas by Alternative
Appendix G - Long-Term Forest Cover Focus Paper
Appendix H - Potential Impacts and Mitigation Focus Paper
Appendix I - Concurrence Letters
Appendix J - Fish Distribution in the Analysis Area
Appendix K - Rare Plants in Long-term Forest Cover
Appendix L - Wildlife Species and Associated Habitats in the Analysis Area
Appendix M - Data and Assumptions Used in the Socioeconomics Analysis
Appendix N - Distribution List
Appendix O - Data Updates
Appendix P - Financial Analysis
Appendix Q - Final State Trust Lands Habitat Conservation Plan Amendment
Appendix R - Taxing District Analysis
Appendix S - Comment Summaries
Appendix T - Mitigation for Natural Disturbance
Appendix U - Changes in Operable Acres Used in the School District Analysis
Revised Draft Environmental Impact Statement
The revised draft environmental impact statement (RDEIS) replaced the 2016 draft environmental impact statement.
Explore the RDEIS and alternatives using this interactive story map.
DNR and USFWS released the RDEIS in September 2018 and invited the public to review the RDEIS and the proposed amendment and provide comments and suggestions. The comment period was from Sept. 7, 2018, to Dec. 6, 2018. During that time, the following information was also made available:
RDEIS - September 2018
Complete RDEIS (18MB PDF)
RDEIS in Sections
Opening pages (cover, commissioner's letter, fact sheet, table of contents)
Executive Summary
Chapter 1, Introduction
Chapter 2, The Alternatives
Chapter 3, Affected Environment
Chapter 4, Environmental Consequences
Chapter 5, Cumulative Effects
Chapter 6, Literature Cited
Chapter 7, Key Definitions
Chapter 1, Introduction
Chapter 2, The Alternatives
Chapter 3, Affected Environment
Chapter 4, Environmental Consequences
Chapter 5, Cumulative Effects
Chapter 6, Literature Cited
Chapter 7, Key Definitions
Appendix A, Scoping Report
Appendix B, Analytical Framework Focus Paper
Appendix C, Population Viability Analysis (Peery and Jones 2018)
Appendix D, Occupied Sites Focus Paper
Appendix E, P-stage Focus Paper
Appendix F, Maps of Marbled Murrelet Conservation Areas by Alternative
Appendix G, Long-term Forest Cover Focus Paper
Appendix H, Potential Impacts and Mitigation Focus Paper
Appendix I, 2007 and 2009 Concurrence Letters
Appendix J, Fish Distribution in the Analysis Area
Appendix K, Rare Plants in Long-term Forest Cover
Appendix L, Wildlife Species and Associated Habitats in the Analysis Area
Appendix M, Data and Assumptions Used in Socioeconomics Analysis
Appendix N, Distribution List
Appendix O, Data Updates
Appendix P, Sustainable Harvest Draft Financial Analysis
Appendix B, Analytical Framework Focus Paper
Appendix C, Population Viability Analysis (Peery and Jones 2018)
Appendix D, Occupied Sites Focus Paper
Appendix E, P-stage Focus Paper
Appendix F, Maps of Marbled Murrelet Conservation Areas by Alternative
Appendix G, Long-term Forest Cover Focus Paper
Appendix H, Potential Impacts and Mitigation Focus Paper
Appendix I, 2007 and 2009 Concurrence Letters
Appendix J, Fish Distribution in the Analysis Area
Appendix K, Rare Plants in Long-term Forest Cover
Appendix L, Wildlife Species and Associated Habitats in the Analysis Area
Appendix M, Data and Assumptions Used in Socioeconomics Analysis
Appendix N, Distribution List
Appendix O, Data Updates
Appendix P, Sustainable Harvest Draft Financial Analysis
Draft Environmental Impact Statement
The draft environmental impact statement (DEIS) documented the lead agencies' analysis of the proposal and provided an opportunity for government agencies, affected Tribes, stakeholders, and members of the public to review the document and provide suggestions for improving the adequacy of the environmental analysis.
DEIS - December 2016
Complete Draft EIS (36MB PDF)
Draft EIS in Sections
Opening Pages (Cover, Commissioner's Letter, Fact Sheet, Table of Contents)
Chapter 1, Introduction
Chapter 2, The Alternatives
Chapter 3, Affected Environment
Chapter 4, Environmental Consequences
Chapter 5, Cumulative Effects
Chapter 6, Literature Cited
Chapter 7, Key Definitions
Appendix A, Scoping Report
Appendix B, Analytical Framework Focus Paper
Appendix C, Population Viability Analysis (Peery and Jones 2016)
Appendix D, Occupied Sites Focus Paper
Appendix E, P-stage Focus Paper
Appendix F, Maps of Marbled Murrelet Conservation Areas by Alternative
Appendix G, Long-term Forest Cover Focus Paper
Appendix H, Potential Impacts and Mitigation Focus Paper
Appendix I, 2007 and 2009 Concurrence Letters
Appendix J, Fish Distribution in the Analysis Area
Appendix K, Rare Plants in Long-term Forest Cover
Appendix L, Wildlife Species and Associated Habitats in the Analysis Area
Appendix M, Data and Assumptions Used in Socioeconomics Analysis
Appendix N, Distribution List
The graphic below outlines the SEPA/NEPA joint Environmental Impact Statement (EIS) process that DNR followed.

Board of Natural Resources Presentation
Scoping Phases
The planning process for the project began with establishing the scope of the environmental review under both state and federal processes. DNR expanded the scoping process into two phases. The use of expanded scoping is intended to enhance public and agency participation in identifying the scope of an EIS.
Phase One Scoping - April 2012
The first phase focused on receiving input for the project's need, purpose and objectives, the environmental impacts that should be considered, and existing environmental information relevant to analysis. Public meetings were held in late April and early May 2012 in the four DNR administrative regions included in the proposal: Olympia, Sedro-Woolley, Cathlamet, and Forks.
Phase One Scoping: Public Meeting Materials
Phase Two Scoping - May 2013
Phase Two scoping materials presented alternative concepts that represented distinct conservation approaches to a long-term conservation strategy, each of which would be consistent with the approved need, purpose, and objectives. A No Action concept also was presented. These conceptual alternatives were described in the Phase Two scoping notice.
Phase Two Scoping: Public Meeting Materials
Framework for Building the Strategy and Conceptual Alternatives
Phase Two PowerPoint Presentation
Washington State Trust Lands & DNR's Trust Mandate
Marbled Murrelet Biology and Conservation
Background on the Trust Lands Habitat Conservation Plan
Environmental Review
Map of Marbled Murrelet Habitat and Occupied Areas on DNR-managed Forests
Phase Two PowerPoint Presentation
Washington State Trust Lands & DNR's Trust Mandate
Marbled Murrelet Biology and Conservation
Background on the Trust Lands Habitat Conservation Plan
Environmental Review
Map of Marbled Murrelet Habitat and Occupied Areas on DNR-managed Forests
- Recommendations and Supporting Analysis of Conservation Opportunities for the Marbled Murrelet Long-Term Conservation Strategy
- Northwest Forest Plan - the first 15 years (1994-2008): Status and Trends of Nesting Habitat for the Marbled Murrelet
- Evaluation Report for the 5-Year Status Review of the Marbled Murrelet in Washington, Oregon and California