Wollochet Bay
Compliance Review of Mooring Buoys, Swim Floats and Boat Lifts in Wollochet Bay East Commercial Geoduck Zone
In November of 2024, the Department of Natural Resources (DNR) identified the Wollochet East commercial geoduck zone as a high priority for removing and relocating in-water structures within the immediate vicinity of the commercial geoduck tract #10800 on state-owned aquatic lands that may result in harm to geoduck harvesters or interfere with commercial fishing activities.
An initial compliance review of the area on December 13, 2024 found approximately 38 in water structures on state-owned aquatic land, primarily unauthorized and unregistered mooring buoys, located within the commercial geoduck zone. DNR plans to conduct follow up compliance efforts of these in water structures at least once every thirty-days during daylight hours from January 2024 through March 2024. DNR will place notification tags and ID numbers on buoys and structures that appear to be on state-managed aquatic lands within the commercial geoduck zone boundaries of -18 ft to -70 ft MLLW.
If your in-water structure is tagged, you will have until March 15, 2025 to remove or relocate your structure. Removal may include removing the mooring buoy, except for anchors, out of the specified area. You will not be able to reinstall any mooring buoy from -18 ft to -70 ft for the duration of geoduck harvest activities on the #10800 tract. You may reinstall the mooring buoy in its previous location upon receiving notice from DNR that geoduck harvest activities have completed. If you choose to relocate and would like advice on where to relocate your buoy, please contact the DNR Aquatic Resources Division Mooring Buoy Program at 360-800-7245.
DNR will begin arranging for removal of mooring buoys which have not been removed or relocated by March 15, 2025. We encourage owners to take action as soon as possible.
Abutting residential owners to state-owned aquatic land may qualify for a no-fee recreational mooring buoy and private recreational dock under RCW 79.105.430. To initiate the DNR authorization process for your existing or relocated buoy you will need to complete and submit a Joint Aquatic Resources Permit Application (JARPA) and JARPA Attachment E to DNR. If your buoy does not qualify for free use under RCW 79.105.430, you may not reinstall a buoy on state-owned aquatic land until a fee-based land use authorization from DNR is obtained.
You must have all required government permits, including, the Washington State Fish and Wildlife Hydraulic Project Approval (HPA) permit, the U.S. Army Corps of Engineers Section 10 permit, and County Shoreline Permit prior to reinstalling your buoy.
We look forward to working with your community.
The #10800 commercial tract area is delineated at -25 ft MLLW. Do I still need to remove or relocate my buoy to a depth less than -18 ft MLLW?
In the Puget Sound, the commercial geoduck zone extends from the -18 foot to the -70 foot MLLW. At this time, the commercial harvest boundary for #01800 is set at -25 to -70 ft MLLW due to current herring spawning restrictions above -25 ft MLLW. Geoduck harvesters are connected to anchored surface vessels by both air supply and stinger jet water supply hoses. Working in the proximity of buoys presents risk of wrapping those hoses (especially air supply) around a mooring line, etc. As such, buoys located between -18 ft to -25 ft MLLW may pose a risk to divers from boats anchored along the -25 ft depth contour and structures excluding the anchor must be removed for the duration of the harvest period or relocated.
My buoy is located a greater distance from the 200-yard Ordinary High Tide Line (OHT) where harvest vessels will be anchored. Why is this an interference with geoduck harvest or diver safety?
The 200-yard OHT line pertains to only the State fleet. This tract is fished in common with treaty tribes listed on the South Sound Harvest Management Plan. Tribal vessels may anchor to the -25 ft line on this tract. Though vessels may anchor beyond the 200-yard OHT line, divers may be closer than 200 yards as they harvest, presenting the risk of entanglement.
How did DNR determine the depth of my buoy?
Buoy depth was determined using a digital depth sounder at the location of the mooring ball. Depth at MLLW was determined by subtracting tidal height (as measured at NOAA Tacoma Narrows Tidal Station 9446486 approximately 5 mi from the entrance to Wollochet Bay) from the measured depth at the buoy. All depths were logged between approximately 11:30am to 2:30 pm on December 13, 2014. High Tide was 13.5 ft at 2:26 pm. All subsequent compliance visits will include depth measurements following the method described to verify location within the -18 to -70 ft boundary prior to tagging.
If you believe your buoy is outside of the -18 to -70 depth range and was tagged in error, please contact DNR at (list number again here). You may provide documentation from an installer or diver to verify the depth of your buoy.
My buoy has been in place for several decades. Does DNR recognize this “grandfathered status”?
Depending on when your buoy or structure was installed, you may be exempt from certain regulatory permits. For abutting residential owners to state-owned aquatic land with a long-standing pre-existing mooring buoy, DNR requests that your buoy be registered with the department. You may apply for a registration by submitting a JARPA and Attachment E to the department. Depending on the information provided on your registration application, DNR may request that you contact permitting entities to ensure legal status of your pre-existing buoy.
If you do not qualify for a no-fee mooring buoy or recreational dock under RCW 79.105.430 or possess a land use authorization with DNR, your structure located on state owned aquatic lands is in trespass, regardless of installation date.
If I decide to relocate my buoy to a depth less than -18 ft MLLW in front of my abutting waterfront property, my vessel will ground out. What are my options?
The buoy must be located as near to the upland residence as practical. However, grounding out of vessels negatively impacts habitat and is not preferred. Please contact 360-800-7245 or buoy@dnr.wa.gov to discuss options for alternative placement of your buoy or consider removing your buoy for the duration of geoduck harvest.
If I decide to remove my buoy for the duration of harvest and keep my anchor in place, do I still need to register my buoy with DNR?
Yes. DNR relies on record of your buoy location in order accurately perform compliance of unauthorized structures in the area and when reviewing proposals for new in-water structures that may impact the vicinity of your moorage. Additionally, registrations allow DNR to directly communicate any geoduck harvest requirements or other management scenarios on state-owned aquatic lands in your immediate area.
I am not an abutting residential owner or don’t qualify for a no-fee buoy under RCW 79.105.430. What are my options?
You must remove your buoy and anchor from the -18 to -70 ft MLLW range by March 15, 2025. You may reapply with DNR for a new buoy location within Wollochet Bay. To initiate the DNR authorization process for your proposed buoy location, you will need to complete and submit a Joint Aquatic Resources Permit Application (JARPA) to DNR.
How long will this tract be active?
Harvest duration varies by tract. Tracts are typically harvested over a period of 5-10 years.