Lease Auction Results

2025 Lease Auctions
Dryland Lease No. C1200I56223. Lease Auction: January 14, 2025. Successful bidder: Reed Ranch, Inc.
Dryland Lease No. C1200105570. Lease Auction: January 14, 2025. Successful bidder: Andrew Miles & Darrell Miles
Dryland Lease No. C1200G69268. Lease Auction: January 14, 2025. No bids received.
2024 Lease Auctions
Grazing Lease No. C1000106739. Lease Auction: July 8, 2024. Successful bidder: Brian Schroder and Crista Schroder
Dryland CRP Lease No. C1200105570. Lease Auction: June 5, 2024. Successful bidder: R and J Land and Livestock, Inc.
Dryland CRP Lease No. C1200105571. Lease Auction: June 5, 2024. Successful bidder: TSR Farms, LLC.
Dryland Agriculture Lease No. 12-106440. Lease Auction May 29, 2024. Successful bidder: Brandon Stauffer
Dryland Agriculture Lease No. 12-106439. Lease auction April 30, 2024. No bids were received.
Dryland Agriculture Lease No. C1200E54387. Lease Auction: March 22, 2024. Successful bidder: Knodel & Son Farm, Inc.
Dryland Agriculture Lease No. C1200F57148. Lease Auction: March 8, 2023. Successful bidder: Anthony J. Smith Farms, LLC.
Irrigated Agriculture Lease No. C1200B76199. Lease Auction: January 29, 2023. Successful bidder: Hillslide Orchards, LLC.
Dryland Agriculture Lease No. C1200F57148. Lease Auction: January 22, 2023. No bids received.
2023 Lease Auctions
Dryland Agriculture Lease No. C1200D53298. Lease Auction: August 14, 2023. Successful bidder: Michael Gering.
Grazing Lease No. 10-104899 , Lease Auction: May 15, 2023, successful bidder: Homegrown Cattle Company LLC. 
Grazing Lease No. C1000A94704. Lease Auction: January 23, 2023. Successful bidder: Beard Ranch Inc.
Grazing Lease No. C1000103235. Lease Auction: January 31, 2023. No bids were received.
2022 Lease Auctions
Irrigated Agriculture Lease No. C1200B74381. Lease Auction: September 29, 2022. Successful bidder: Travis Herring Farms, LLC.
Orchard Development Lease No. C1200B70198. Lease Auction: September 7, 2022. No bids were received.
Dryland Agriculture Lease No. C1200G55235. Lease Auction: August 19, 2022. Successful bidder: 13 Bushel Farms Ptr.
Dryland Agriculture Lease No. C1200D60577. Lease Auction: August 19, 2022. Successful bidder: LWR 160 Farm L.L.C.
Grazing Lease 10-103505. Lease Auction: ___, 2022. Successful bidder: Wishon Cattle Company
Grazing Lease 10-103504. Lease Auction: ___, 2022. Successful bidder: Wishon Cattle Company
Orchard Development Lease No. 12-D69759. Lease Auction: March 24, 2022. Successful bidder: Western Farmland LLC.
Grazing Lease No. 10-A94705.  Lease Auction: March 22, 2022. Successful bidder: Fudacz Brothers.
Grazing Lease No. 10-A94703. Lease Auction: March 22, 2022. Successful bidder: PNW Beef Inc.
2021 Lease Auctions
Irrigated Agriculture Lease No. 12-100415. Lease Auction: December 10, 2021. Successful bidder: Sunheaven Farms LLC.
Irrigated Agriculture Lease No. 12-A8896. Lease Auction: December 10, 2021. Successful bidder Frank Tiegs, LLC
Grazing Lease No. 10-102249. Lease Auction: September 23, 2021. Successful bidder: Paul Rogers.
Grazing Lease No. 10-102137. Lease Auction: July 27, 2021. Successful bidder: Bruce Wilson and Vicki Wilson.
Orchard/Vineyard Lease No. 12-B69952 Lease Auction:April 6, 2021. Successful bidder: Premiere Partners IV. LP.
Irrigated Agriculture Lease No. 12-F57060. Lease Auction: March 2, 2021. Successful bidder: WHB Trust.
Orchard/Vineyard Lease No. 12-B69952. Lease Auction: February 18, 2021. No bids were received.
Grazing Lease No. 10-101554. Lease Auction: January 19, 2021. Successful bidder: S. Martinez Livestock Inc.
Grazing Lease No. 10-101560. Lease Auction: January 19, 2021. Successful bidder: Wittig Farms, LLC.
2020 Lease Auctions
Orchard Lease No. 12-096411. Lease Auction: December 8, 2020. Successful bidder: Kyle Mathison.
Irrigated Agriculture Lease No. 12-100992. Lease Auction: November 10, 2020. Successful bidder: Middleton Six Sons Farms, LLC.
Dryland Agriculture Lease No. 12-098675. Lease Auction: December 1, 2020. No bids were received.
Dryland Agriculture Lease No. 12-098692. Lease Auction: December 1, 2020. Successful bidders: Kevin and Lacey Vik.
Dryland Agriculture Lease No. 12-100593. Lease Auction:  October 1, 2020. Successful bidder. Ebe Farms.
Irrigated Agriculture Lease No. 12-100991. Lease Auction: September 24, 2020. Successful bidder. 3P Farms, LLC.
Irrigated Agriculture Lease No. 12-100992. Lease Auction:  September 24, 2020. No bids were received.
Irrigated Agriculture Lease No. 12-D71818.  Lease Auction: September 15, 2020. Successful bidder: Allied Potato Northwest, Inc.
Grazing Lease No. 10-A91675. Lease Auction: July 14, 2020. Successful bidder: Gilbert and Kristin Hintz dba Four Cross Ranch, Inc.
Grazing Lease No. 10-C60159. Lease Auction: July 14, 2020. Successful bidder: John and Shirley McLean.
Dryland Ag & Grazing Lease No. 12-E56241.  Lease Auction: April 28, 2020. Successful bidder: Eugene Mann.
Grazing Lease No. 10-100450 Lease Auction: April 28, 2020. Successful bidder: Grant Dawson.
Grazing Lease No. 10-100451 Lease Auction: April 28, 2020. Successful bidder: Mike Leaden.
Grazing Lease No. 10-091106 Lease Auction: March 25, 2020. No bids were received.
Grazing Lease No. 10-100302 Lease Auction: March 25, 2020. No bids were received.
Grazing Lease No. 10-100316 Lease Auction: March 25, 2020. Successful bidder: OC Ranch.
Grazing Lease No. 10-099935 Lease Auction: February 25, 2020. Successful bidder: Fountain Ranch Partnership.
2019 Lease Auctions
Grazing Lease No. 12-098890 Lease Auction: September 24, 2019. Successful bidder: DA Flaig Inc.
Irrigated Agriculture Lease No. 12-A84298 Lease Auction: September 11, 2019. Successful bidder: Allied Potato Northwest, Inc.
Grazing Lease No. 10-092232 Lease Auction: August 26, 2019. No bids were received.
Grazing Lease No. 10-090717 Lease Auction: August 26, 2019. Successful bidder: Douglas Prichard.
Grazing Lease No. 10-098490 Lease Auction: August 26, 2019. Successful bidder: OC Ranch.
Grazing Lease No. 10-090263 Lease Auction: July 29, 2019. Successful bidder: Reid & Maggie Wilson.
Grazing Lease No. 10-096816 Lease Auction: July 29, 2019. Successful bidder: Barton & Roxanne Spear.
Irrigated Agriculture Lease No. 12-C68655 Lease Auction: July 1, 2019. Successful bidder Skocon Corporation.
Grazing Lease No. 10-D59137 Lease Auction: July 1, 2019. No bids were received.
Irrigated Agriculture Lease No. 12-A82173 Lease Auction: June 3, 2019. Successful bidder: Allied Potato Northwest, Inc.
Irrigated Agriculture Lease No. 12-A84299. Lease Auction: June 3, 2019. Successful bidder: Skagit Valley Farm, LLC.