Adaptive Management Program Research and Monitoring Documents

The Adaptive Management Program was created to provide science-based recommendations and technical information to assist the Forest Practices Board in determining if and when it is necessary or advisable to adjust rules and guidance. This page contains research and monitoring documents that provide scientific information that supports the Adaptive Management Program. Documents dated pre 2001 were prior to the Forest and Fish negotiations. 
The page is currently incomplete but updates are in progress. Each entry includes information on title, author(s), and year. Documents are in alphabetical order by title. 
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Brunengo, Matthew J.; Smith, Stuart D.; Bernath, Stephen C. (1992)
Bradley, Jeffrey B.; Whiting, Peter J. (1992)
Hayes, Marc P.; Quinn, Timothy; Runde, Douglas E. (2002) 
Mizell, Michael; Anderson, Eric (2015)
Analysis of Movement Patterns of Stream-Dwelling Salmonids in Response to Three Survey Methods
Peterson, James T.; Banish, Nolan P.; Thurow, Russell F. (2003)
Peterson, N. Phil; Hendry, Andrew; Quinn, Thomas P. (1992)


O'Connor, Matthew; Harr, R. Dennis (1994)


Sallabanks, Rex; Quinn, Timothy (2000)
Montgomery, David R.; Buffington, John M. (1993)
Carlson, Andy (1991)
Comparison of the Standard and All Available Shade Rules for the Fish-Bearing Streams in the Mixed Conifer Timber Habitat Type Under Washington’s Forest Practices Habitat Conservation Plan A
Authors: Dave Schuett-Hames and Greg Stewart
McKenzie, Roosevelt (1991)
Washington Department of Wildlife (1990)
Armour, Chad (1989)
Carlson, Andy (1990)
TFW (1997)
TFW (1994)
TFW (1990)
TFW (1993)
EDAW, Inc. and Mason, Bruce & Girard, Inc. (2002)
Shaw, Susan C.; Vaugeois, Laura M. (1999)
Quinn, Timothy; Hayes, Marc P.; Dugger, Daniel J.; Hicks, Tiffany L.; Hoffman, Annette (2007)
Geppert, Rollin R.; Lorenz, Charles W.; Larson, Arthur G. (1985)


Coho, Carol; Burges, Stephen J. (1994)
Terrapin Environmental (2002)
Upland Processes Scientific Advisory Group (UPSAG) (2024)
Conrad, Robert H.; Fransen, Brian; Duke, Steven; Liermann, Martin; Needham, Scott (2003)
Thurow, Russell F.; Larsen, Chris A.; Guzevich, John W.; Peterson, James T. (2004)
Peterson, James (2000)
Hayes, Marc P.; Quinn, Timothy; Dugger, Daniel J.; Hicks, Tiffany L.; Melchiors, M. Anthony; Runde, Douglas E. (2006)


ABR, Inc. Environmental Research & Services (2003)
Domoni Glass, Glass Environmental Consulting, Inc. (2005)
Kevin, Ceder, Mark Teply, Kai Ross, Paul Anders (2020)
Mason, Bruce & Girard, Inc. (2006)
Miller, Dan; Peterson, Phil (2009)
Berman, Cara H.; Quinn, Thomas P. (1989)
Quinn, Thomas P.; Peterson, N. Phil (1994)
Rashin, Ed; Graber, Craig (1993)
(Hard Rock Study Phase II), 2021
(Soft Rock Study), 2021
Rashin, Ed; Clishe, Casey; Loch, Andy; Bell, Johanna (1999)
Rashin, Ed; Bell, Johanna; Clishe, Casey (1993)
Rashin, Ed; Clishe, Casey; Loch, Andy (1994)
Effectiveness of Experimental Riparian Buffers on Perennial Non-fish-bearing Streams on Competent Lithologies in Western Washington
Aimee P. McIntyre, Marc P. Hayes, William J. Ehinger, Stephanie M. Estrella, Dave E. Schuett-Hames, and Timothy Quinn
Pearson, Scott F.; Giovanini, Jack; Jones, Jay E.; Kroll, Andrew J. (2014)
O'Connell, Margaret A.; Hallett, James G.; West, Stephen D.; Kelsey, Kathryn A.; Manuwal, David A.; Pearson, Scott F. (2000)
Searing, Gary; Hawkes, Virgil (2003)
Hawkes, Virgil C. (2010)
Cupp, C.Edward; Lofgren, Timothy J. (2014)
Rashin, Ed; Graber, Craig (1992)
Coffin, Bengt A.; Harr, R. Dennis (1991)
Coffin, Bengt A.; Harr, R. Dennis (1992)
Buffington, John M. (1995)
Barrett, Stephen W.; Reilly, Matthew (2017)
Beech, Storm (1999)
Johnson, Adelaide C.(1991) 
Harr, R. Dennis; Coffin, Bengt A.; Cundy, Terrance W. (1989)
MacCracken, James G.; Hayes, Marc P.
Authors: Dan Miller, Julie Dieu, Jeff Keck, Ted Turner, Greg Stewart (Former Team Member)
Empirical and Modeled Evaluation of Forest Road BMP Effectiveness in Western Washington
Black, Tom; Danehy, Bob; Dieu, Julie; Istanbulluoglu, Erkan; Manaster, Amanda (2017)
Sias, Joan (2003)
McConnell, Steve; Schuett-Hames, Dave; Roorbach, Ash (2005)
Hayes, Marc P.; Quinn, Timothy (2000)
Caldwell, Jean E.; Doughty, Kent; Sullivan, Kate (1991)
McGreer, Dale; Bonoff, Michael; Gravelle, John; Schult, Dennis; Canavan, Sean (2012)
Sullivan, Kate; Tooley, John; Doughty, Kent; Caldwell, Jean E.; Knudsen, Pamela (1990)
Sullivan, Kathleen; Tooley, John; Doughty, Kent; Caldwell, Jean; Knudsen, Pamela (1990)
Bowling, Laura C.; Lettenmaier, Dennis P. (1997)
Beechie, T.J.; Sibley, T.H. (1990)
Hayes, Marc P.; Quinn, Timothy; Diller, Lowell; Jones, Lawrence L.C.; MacCracken, James G.; Raphael, Martin J.; Runde, Douglas E.  (2001)
Hayes, Marc P.; Quinn, Timothy; Diller, Lowell; Jones, Lawrence L.C.; MacCracken, James G.; Raphael, Martin J.; Runde, Douglas E. (2002)
Haegen, Matthew Vander; Van Leuven, Susan; Anderson, David (2000)
Ehinger, William; McConnell, Steve; Schuett-Hames, Dave; Black, Jenelle (2007)
Ehinger, William (2013)
Andrew Cooke, Warren Devin (2020)


Schuett-Hames, Dave; Conrad, Bob; Pleus, Allen; Smith, Devin (1996)
TFW (1999)
TFW Field Implementation Committee (1992)
Riparian Habitat Technical Committee (1985)
Veldhuisen, Curt; Russell, Periann (1999)
Johnson, Patricia; Pucci, Dawn (2004)
Chesney, Charles (2000)


Montgomery, David R.; Dunne, Thomas; Dietrich, William E. (1993)
Benda, Lee; Miller, Lynne Rodgers (1991)


Hayes, Marc P.; Quinn, Timothy; Raphael, Martin G.
Kevin Ceder, Mark Teply, Kai Ross
Trotter, Patrick C. (2000)
Coe, Drew (2004)


Penaluna, Brooke,  Pacific Northwest Research Station, USFS (2021)
Storck, Pascal; Lettenmaier, Dennis P.; Connelly, Brian A.; Cundy, Terrance W. (1995)
Cantrell, Dan; Haug, Peter T. (1991)


Ripper, Dana; Bednarz, James C.; Varland, Daniel E. (2000)
Wu, Tien H.; Merry, Carolyn J.; Benosky, Christopher P.; Abdel-Latif, Mohamed (1997)
Wu, Tien; Abdel-Latif, Mohamed (1996)
Upland Processes Scientific Advisory Group (UPSAG) (2006)
Last Fish Surveys for Eastern Washington Water Typing Model Development Final Report (2003)
Cole, Michael B.; Killian, Mathew Matthew P.; Harris, Adam P. (2003)
EA Engineering Science and Technology (1992) 
Schuett-Hames, Dave; Conrad, Bob; Pleus, Allen; Lautz, Kevin (1996)
Schuett-Hames, Dave; Pleus, Allen (1996)
Morgan, Amy; Smith, Devin (1997)
Koler, Thomas E. (1992)
Daniel Miller; published in (2017)
Daniel Miller (2016)


Caldwell, J.E.; Sullivan, K.S.; Doughty, K. (1991)
Stewart, Gregory; Dieu, Julie; Phillips, Jeff; O'Connor, Matt; Veldhuisen, Curt (2013)
Dieu, Julie; Hook, Abby; Stewart, Greg; Vaugeois, Laura; Veldhuisen, Curt; Black, Jenelle; Miller, Lynne Rodgers (2008)
Miskovic, Teresa; Powell, Jack (2009)
Upslope Process Scientific Advisory Group (2008)
Pleus, Allen E.; Schuett-Hames, Dave; Bullchild, Lyman (1999)
Schuett-Hames, Dave; Pleus, Allen E.; Ward, Jim; Fox, Martin; Light, Jeff (1999)
Pleus, Allen E.; Schuett-Hames, Dave (1998)
Pleus, Allen E.; Schuett-Hames, Dave (1998)
Schuett-Hames, Dave; Conrad, Robert; Pleus, Allen; McHenry, Michael (1999)
Schuett-Hames, Dave; Conrad, Robert; Pleus, Allen E.; Lautz, Kevin (1999)
Schuett-Hames, Dave; Pleus, Allen E.; Smith, Devin (1999)
Schuett-Hames, Dave; Pleus, Allen E.; Rashin, Ed; Matthews, Jim (1999)
Pleus, Allen E. (1999)
Pentec Environmental, Inc. (1991)
Dunham, Jason B.; Chandler, Gwynne L. (2001)
Cupp, C. Edward; Metzler, JoAnn; Grost, Richard T., Tappel, Paul (1999)
Benkert, Kate; Bilby, Bob; Ehinger, William; Farnum, Peter; Martin, Doug; McConnell, Steve; Peters, Roger; Quinn, Tim; Raines, Mary; Ralph, Steve; Schuett-Hames, Dave (2002)
Schmidt, Kevin Michael (1994)


Schumaker, Rick; Glass, Domoni (1999)


Cooke Scientific Services, Inc. (2005)
Quinn, Thomas P. (1991)
Krausz, Eric; Peone, Ruby; Collins, Sondra
Adam, Terry N.; Sullivan, Kathleen (1989)
Sutherland, Glenn S.; Hayes, Marc P.; Quinn, Timothy; Dupuis, Linda A.; Wahbe, Tanya R.; Runde, Doug E.; Richardson; John S. (2001)
Schuett-Hames, Dave; Sturhan, Nancy; Lautz, Kevin; McIntosh, Randy; Gough, Mike; Rodgers, Charlene (1996)
Dunne, Thomas; Montgomery, David; Dietrich, William E. (1991)
Norris, Logan A.; Dost, Frank (1992)
Norris, Logan A.; Dost, Frank (1991)
 Instream Science Advisory Group (ISAG) Project Team (2023)
Somer, David; Benda, Lee; Collins, Brian; Currie, Jim; Olsen, Patricia; Miller, Lynne Rodgers (1991)


 Ramos, Carlos (1996)
Orsborn, John F. (1990)


Sallabanks, Rex; Quinn, Timothy 
Sallabanks, Rex; Quinn, Timothy 
Schuett-Hames, Dave; Roorbach, Ashley; Conrad, Robert (2012)
Hallett, James G.; O'Connell, Margaret A. (2002)
Hayes, Marc P.; Quinn, Timothy (2015)
Herrera Environmental Consultants Inc. (2004)
Riparian Scientific Advisory Group (2006)
TFW Field Implementation Committee (1994)
Raines, Mary; Conrad, Robert; Clark, Jeffrey; Coe, Drew; Palmquist, Robert; Veldhuisen, Curt (2005)


Monika Moskal (2018)
MacDonald, Ann; Ritland, Kerry W. (1989)
Sparks, Anita; Schuett-Hames, Dave (1994)
O'Connor, Matthew; Harr, R. Dennis (1991)
Heeswijk, Marijke van; Kimball, John S.; Marks, Danny (1996)
Golder Associates (1991)
Wu, Tien H.; Merry, Carolyn J. (1990)
by Kira Furman
Price, David M.; Ryding, Kristen E., Barber, Mike R. (2005)
Ralph, Stephen C.; Cardoso, Tamre; Poole, Geoffrey C.; Conquest, Loveday L.; Naiman, Robert J. (1991)
MacCracken, James G.; Hayes, Marc P.; Tyson, Julie A.; Stebbings, Jennifer L. 
Ralph, Stephen C. (1990)
Plotnikoff, Robert W. (1998)
Jones and Stokes Associates (1992)
Grizzel, Jeff; McGowan, Myla; Smith, Devin; Beechie, Tim (2000)
Vaugeois, Laura; Dieu, Julie; Hook, Abby; Veldhuisen, Curt; Stewart, Greg. (2007-2009)
Cristea, Nicoleta (2005)
Grotefendt, Richard A. (2007)
Turley, Chuck; Holter, Judith (1996)


EA Engineering Science and Technology (1992)
TFW Field Implementation Committee (1992)
TFW (1987)
Mandaville Associates (1990)
Northwest Indian Fisheries Commission (1993) 
Schuett-Hames, Dave; Pleus, Allen; Bullchild, Lyman; Hall, Scott (1993)
Schuett-Hames, Dave; Pleus, Allen; McDonald, Dennis; Northwest Indian Fisheries Commission (1994)
Schuett-Hames, Dave; Pleus, Allen; Bullchild, Lyman; Hall, Scott (1994)
Schuett-Hames, Dave; Pleus, Allen; McDonald, Dennis; Northwest Indian Fisheries Commission (1993)
Ambient Monitoring Steering Committee (1989)
David C. Flaherty and Associates (1989)
Plotnikoff, Robert W. (1992)
Plotnikoff, Robert W.; Dietrich, Hank L. (1991)
Schuett-Hames, Dave; Pleus, Allen; Morgan, Amy; McGowan, Myla; Smith, Devin (1999)
Sullivan, K., J. Tooley, K. Doughty, J.E. Caldwell, P. Knudsen. (1990)
Sullivan, K., J. Tooley, K. Doughty, J.E. Caldwell, P. Knudsen. (1990)
EA Engineering Science and Technology Northwest Operations (1992)
Schuett-Hames, Dave; Pleus, Allen; Morgan, Amy; Smith, Devin (1997)
EA Engineering Science and Technology Northwest Operations (1992)
EA Engineering Science and Technology Northwest Operations (1992)
Cogan, Cogan Sharpe (1991)
Timber Fish Wildlife Status Report - February 1993
Doughty, Kent; Caldwell, Jean E.; Sullivan, Kate (1991)
Doughty, Kent; Smith, J; Caldwell, J.E. (1993)
Various (1996)
Spear, Stephen; Baumsteiger, Jason; Storfer, Andrew (2011)
Stephen F. Spear, Aimee P. McIntyre, Reed Ojala-Barbour, Sarah Brown, Todd Kassler, Todd Seamons, Timothy Quinn, Marc P. Hayes
Schuett-Hames, Dave; Conrad, Robert; Ehinger, Bill; McFadden, George; Roorbach, Ashley (2003)
Pleus, Allen; Goodman, Pam (2003)
Palmquist, Robert (2005)


Glasgow, Jamie (2000)



Terrapin Environmental (2005)
Schutt-Hames, Dave (2000)
Schuett-Hames, Dave; Pleus, Allen (1996)
Somers, Dave; Smith, Jeanette; Wissmar, Robert (1991)
Jones and Stokes Associates (1991)
Jones and Stokes Associates (1991)
Jones and Stokes Associates (1991)
Miller, Daniel; Halabisky, Meghan (2021)
Adamus, Paul (2014)
Fairweather, Stephen E. (2001)
TFW Policy Group 1990
Wildlife Science Group, Department of Natural Resources Sciences, USDA - Forest Service (1991)
Aubry, Keith B.; West, Stephen D.; Manuwal, David A.; Stringer, Angela B.; Erickson, Janet; Pearson, Scott (1996)
Irwin, Larry L.; Buchanan, Joseph B.; Fleming, Tracy L.; Speich, Steven M. (1989)
Various (1996)
Aubry, Keith B.; Hallett, James G.; West, Stephen D.; O'Connell, Margaret A.; Manuwal, David A. (1997)
Aubry, Keith B.; West, Stephen D.; Manuwal, David A.; Stringer, Angela B.; Erickson, Janet L.; Pearson, Scott (1997)
Hallett, James G; O'Connell, Margaret A. (199)
O'Connell, Margaret A.; Hallett, James G.; West, Stephen D. (1993)
Morgan, Amy; Hinojosa, Frank
Schuett-Hames, Dave; Pess, George; Northwest Indian Fish Commission (1994)