Wildfire Response, Forest Restoration, and Community Resilience Account

The Wildfire Response, Forest Restoration, and Community Resilience Account was created under Washington State House Bill 1168 in 2021. The legislature committed a significant investment of $125 million biennially to the fund over the next eight years, dedicated to enhancing wildfire preparedness, expediting forest restoration efforts, and fostering the development of communities that are resilient to environmental challenges.
The 1168 Dashboard provides transparency and accountability for how funds are utilized from the Account by providing information regarding the allocation and impact of funds on the reduction of catastrophic wildfires, protecting communities from wildfire, improving the resilience of forestland and the conservation and management of public lands in Washington State.
The dashboard provides a mix of narrative insights and financial data for a well-rounded understanding of the progress and efficacy with which funds from the Account are utilized. 

Click to Enlarge Dashboard

  • Please be patient while the dashboard loads, as it includes a wealth of data and images.  
  • Please be informed that the dashboard is currently not optimized for mobile devices.