DNR Radio Operations

Radio Operations maintains the statewide land mobile radio (LMR) system for DNR field staff, wildland firefighters, and cooperator agencies.
Given the rugged landscape our users operate in, the system is primarily operated over VHF frequencies with cellular integration where needed and available. The repeater system is comprised of over fifty mountaintop sites, a fleet of thousands of mobile and portable radios – all connecting back to multiple region and interagency dispatch centers.

Radio User Resources

User Guides
Radio User Guide 2022 - updated 4/4/2022
Instructional Videos

Radio Resources for Fire Districts

Frequency Sharing & Cooperators
The Federal Communications Commission (FCC) permits us to share the use of our radio system with other public safety organizations, but only if those organizations would otherwise be eligible for licenses in the same frequency band. Most fire, emergency medical services, and law enforcement organizations are eligible. We encourage our public safety cooperators to take advantage of our system when communicating with DNR during an incident response. 
For more information, see how to obtain a frequency sharing agreement
Radios & Accessories
To order new radios & accessories, please visit DNRs Fire Cache.
To obtain surplus radios & accessories please visit our Fire District Assistance.  

Radio Support on Wildfires

DNR Radio Operations maintains a cache of equipment and trained personnel to support wildland fire incidents.  During fire season, a technician is on standby 24/7 to answer calls and requests for support.  
Services provided include; communication plan and code plug development, cloning support, frequency coordination, and system design & deployment. 
Equipment available; portable radios, portable repeater kits, cell phones & hotspot devices, cellular & Wi-Fi solutions, and interoperability kits. 
To request radio support for your incident, call 360-902-1480.