Proposed Clearwater Land Exchange

DNR has proposed an exchange of 1460 +/- acres of state trust properties located in Jefferson County near the Clearwater River for properties of equal value provided by the Nature Conservancy. This exchange involves three DNR trust beneficiaries including the Common School Trust (benefits K-12 school construction account), the Normal School Trust and the Capitol Grant Trust. The properties for potential acquisition in this land exchange are 1027 +/- acres located in Jefferson County near the Clearwater River. All exchange properties under consideration are in Jefferson County.


DNR’s objectives for the proposed land exchange are to consolidate working forest landscapes to enhance and strengthen public trust lands for 21st Century sustainability, and to provide economic, ecologic, biological and social benefits to Washington and its citizens. Actively managed DNR working forests provide forest biodiversity, habitat protection, open space, public access, and clean air and water. In addition to providing revenue to support schools, these forestlands provide desirable public recreation opportunities such as bird watching, hiking, fishing, and hunting.


The properties involved are all located in Jefferson County.

Future public hearing

DNR will hold a public hearing to share information and to receive information and testimony from the public. The meeting will occur on July 9, 2024, and will begin at 5:30 PM at the following location:
The Queets Clearwater School
146000 Hwy 101
Forks, WA 98331

Project Status

DNR and the Nature Conservancy are exploring this potential land exchange. A formal public hearing in which interested parties may give testimony regarding the proposal will be held later this year. The final DNR decision regarding this land exchange will be made by the Board of Natural Resources at one of its scheduled meetings after public input is received, parcel valuations are completed, and an exchange proposal is presented to the Board of Natural Resources.