DNR Youth Education
Washington Department of Natural Resources (DNR) manages roughly 5.6 million acres of forest, range, agricultural, aquatic, and commercial lands across Washington. In addition, we also protect 13 million acres of forest land from wildfire.
To learn more about the work that DNR does and the natural resources that make Washington so special, explore some of the activities linked below!
Wildfire Resilience & Recovery
- DNR’s Wildfire Resilience Efforts
- DNR’s Wildfire Ready Neighbors Program
- DNR’s Prescribed Fire Program
- DNR’s Thinning Work
- Guide to Defensible Space
- Department of Health Wildfire Smoke Resources
- Indigenous Uses of Fire in the PNW
- Prescribed Fire in WA
- Video on History of Fire Management
- Video on Wildfire Ready Neighbors
Urban Canopy Cover & Tree Equity
- Tree Equity Scores
- DNR Urban and Community Forestry Prioritization Tool
- News on the Tree Equity Collaborative
- How Cool is Your Schoolyard Investigation
- News article on UCF efforts in Cleveland and connection to environmental justice
- Video on Why Cities Need Trees
- Trees and Mental Health
- Culturally Modified Trees
- Jamestown S’Kallam Guide to Uses of Native Plants
Responsible Recreation
Environmental Justice
- Think Earth Video (Grades K-3)
- Learning to Give Lesson Unit (Grades K-3)
- What is Environmental Justice? (Grades 3-6)
- Can You Undo Pollution? (Grades 3-6)
- Environmental Justice Atlas (Grades 7-12)
- WE ACT Environmental Justice Mini Lesson (Grades 7-12)
- Zinn Education Project Role Play Activity (Grades 7-12)
- Tribal Sovereignty In Washington State (Grades 7-12)