Mark your calendars for the 2025 Q1 fpOnline Town Hall on Friday, January 17th, from 10:30 AM - 12:00 PM PST.
Join the meeting through one of the following options:
- Virtual Meeting link: https://dnr-wa-gov.zoom.us/j/84086296242
- If you are not able to connect through a virtual meeting, you can also join by calling 253-205-0468 or 360-209-5623 and using the Webinar ID: 840 8629 6242 (press the # button when it asks you if you are the meeting host).
We are excited to announce that the Washington Department of Natural Resources’ (DNR) Forest Regulation program is moving forward with steps to build, test and release the long-awaited fpOnline.
This project modernizes the creation, submission, and review process of all Forest Practices Applications and Notifications (FPA/N). fpOnline will enable the online submission of FPAs and associated forms; the acceptance of electronic signatures; the acceptance electronic payments; and the creation of FPA/N related maps.
Current Project Updates