Aquatic Districts and Land Managers Map
The on-the-ground stewardship and day-to-day work with marinas and other aquatic lessees is led by our three Aquatic Districts across the state. Washington’s 2.6 million acres of state-owned aquatic lands includes the marine waters of Puget Sound, the coast and the Straits of Juan de Fuca, and the navigable rivers and lakes across the state. We carry out the hands-on management of these lands for all the people of Washington, and protect and enhance this legacy of aquatic natural resources for this and future generations.
We write leases for marinas, docks, businesses and shellfish beds; we contract for cleanup of toxic materials, fight noxious weeds that can destroy valuable aquatic ecosystems, and we restore habitat that has been destroyed. We strive to find the balance that supports public use and access, water-dependent uses, the use of renewable resources, and environmental protection.
We value our work with so many public and private partners and volunteers that help us accomplish projects needed on state aquatic lands throughout Washington.
Washington State Department of Natural Resources Aquatic Districts:
Orca-Straits District
919 N Township Street
Sedro-Wooley, WA 98284
919 N Township Street
Sedro-Wooley, WA 98284
Shoreline District
950 Farman Avenue N
Enumclaw, WA 98022
950 Farman Avenue N
Enumclaw, WA 98022
Rivers District
601 Bond Road
Castle Rock, WA 98611
601 Bond Road
Castle Rock, WA 98611
Mailing only:
PO Box 280
Castle Rock, WA WA 98611
PO Box 280
Castle Rock, WA WA 98611
Federal Civil Rights
In accordance with federal law and US Department of Agriculture policy, DNR does not discriminate on the basis of race, color, national origin, sex, age or disability. However, should a person wish to file a discrimination complaint, please write to:
USDA, Director
Office of Civil Rights
Room 326W, Whitten Building
1400 Independence Ave SW
Washington, DC 20250-9410
or call 202-720-5964 (voice and TDD). USDA is an equal opportunity provider and employer.