Technical Reports

The following technical reports, publications, and data sets were produced by, or in collaboration with, Washington Natural Heritage Program scientists. The reports are listed in descending order of publication date.
The US National Vegetation Classification (USNVC) is a dynamic classification, supported by a data standard that provides the basis for considering, evaluating, and acting on proposals for new types and additional changes to the hierarchy.  The names and concepts of vegetation types in the reports below may vary slightly from the current classification. The most up-to-date list of associations known to occur in Washington is available here. For up-to-date range-wide descriptions, please search NatureServe Explorer and/or contact WNHP ecologists.

All Ecosystems




Wetlands and Riparian Areas

Wetland Types of Washington State: An Application of the U.S. National Vegetation Classification - Contact our ecologists for the draft version.
Field Guide to Wetland and Riparian Plant Associations of Washington State - Contact our ecologists for the draft version.
Puget Trough Freshwater Wetlands. A Summary of Biologically Significant Sites (1986-1991).

Freshwater & Marine