Provide Equipment and Services for Fire Suppression
Each year, DNR works ahead of the fire season to improve its access to professional equipment and services for fire suppression. Through the use of Preseason Agreements and by partnering with the U.S. Forest Service Region 6 Fire Aviation Contracting Team (FACT), through VIPR contracts, DNR is able to pull in outside resources quickly if needed.
All contract equipment hired by DNR will be paid according to the rate established in the current year's version of the Washington State Wage & Equipment Rate guide (links below).
DNR Preseason Agreements
Preseason Agreements are agreements used to support or engage in fire suppression. These agreements serve as an organized way to make our agency aware of private resources that may be available for hire within a geographic area or service specialty.
DNR uses these agreements to establish a pool of qualified, trained, and available vendors who can provide equipment and services in a timely fashion upon request.
For instructions on how to become a vendor, skip to the bottom of the page to Step 1.
See DNR's question and answer sheet.
Washington State Wage and Equipment Rate Guide
Resources listed in the Washington State Wage and Equipment Rate Guide may enter into DNR Operations Agreements. DNR also enters into Logistics Agreements and Contract Crew Agreements, see DNR Preaseason Agreement Process below. Resources who have VIPR agreements do not need a second agreement with DNR. VIPR resources can be dispatched by DNR utilizing current VIPR agreements. DNR maintains a list of Preseason Agreement holders and a source list for additional resources utilized to support wildland fires, but which are not listed in the Washington State Wage and Equipment Rate Guide.
Ordering Protocol
Ordering protocol for all resources sent to DNR managed incidents (either via Preseason Agreements or VIPR) will be based upon closest forces, cost effectiveness and other considerations.
DNR Operator Safety Training
Operators who will be going to the fireline will be required to attend an annual Fireline Safety Refresher also known as DNR Operator Safety Training and provide proof of their completion of this course. View the list of DNR Operator Safety Trainings.
Resources who have equipment or services who are only interested in responding to wildland fires where DNR is the paying agency, the DNR Operator Safety Training course or an NWCG RT-130 Wildland Fire Safety Training Annual Refresher course from an approved MOU training provider, will be accepted.
This is not an RT-130 course and resources who sign up for a VIPR contract or Forest Service EERA must obtain training from an approved MOU Training Provider, information below.
USFS MOU Training Providers
To participate on USFS incidents, you must attend a course from an approved MOU training provider. View the list of MOU Training Providers.
USFS MOU Equipment Inspection Providers
Resources that are required to have an inspection through the VIPR system will be required to have an inspection through an approved Equipment Inspection Provider. Contractors who have DNR Preseason Operations Agreements can also utilize the approved MOU Equipment Inspection Providers for their equipment inspections. View the list of equipment inspection providers.
If you have resources or equipment that could be available to respond, contact the Wildland Preparedness Coordinator at 360-902-1331.
DNR Preseason Agreement Process
DNR is currently accepting Preseason Agreements.
Step 1: Download the instructions for vendors here.
Step 2: Read the instructions for vendors and the Agreement in its entirety prior to submitting the Application/Agreement.
Step 3: Complete the Vendor Payee Registration form with the Office of Financial Management (OFM). *DNR cannot make payments unless you have completed this registration.
Step 4: Download one of the following:
Hand Crew Checklist to assist with submitting a preseason agreement packet
Step 5: Attach all applicable forms including insurance verification.
Step 6: Once DNR receives your application, UBI, TIN/EIN, SWV numbers and insurance certificate(s), we will review it for completion, and if approved, DNR will place a contract number on it and return it to you.
DNR - Wildland Fire Management Division
ATTN: Fire Suppression Resources Agreement
ATTN: Fire Suppression Resources Agreement
Once DNR receives your application and insurance certificate(s), we will review it for completion, and if approved, DNR will place a contract number on it and return it to you. Your equipment will then show available in the database. When dispatched to an Incident, you will need to provide a copy of your Preseason Agreement and a copy of your resource order to at check-in.
VIPR Agreements
VIPR is the Virtual Incident Procurement (VIPR) system that allows contracting officers to create, award, and manage solicitations and agreements through an electronic procurement process. VIPR is a USDA Forest Service incident procurement system. VIPR agreements are done through solicitations and most are valid for three years. Resources that have a VIPR agreement will not need a Preseason agreement with DNR.
VIPR Resources
Mechanics with Service Trucks
Fuel Tenders
Water Handling (Engines & Tenders)
Weed Washing Units
Potable/Gray Water Trucks and Trailer Mounted Handwashing Trailers
Miscellaneous Heavy Equipment
Heavy Equipment
Vehicles with Drivers
Refrigerated Trailers
Heavy Equipment with Water
For more information on VIPR, visit the FACT website.