Timber Auction Packets
Attention: Timber Sale Auctions
As of April 2023:
All regions will be holding hybrid style auctions. Hybrid auctions will allow interested parties to attend the auctions in person while still providing a virtual opportunity to view the auction if not able to attend. For more information, please see February 2023 Auction Announcement.
Timber Auction Bidding Opportunities
This page contains two types of opportunities to submit bids:
Timber sales at monthly public auctions held at region offices
Harvesting contracts for delivered logs, on an as-needed basis
Links contain timber sales, statewide, scheduled for that month's auction(s). The packet for each sale contains pre-sales documents in PDF format prepared by DNR; each bidder must perform their own inspection and appraisal.
DNR hires contractors to harvest and deliver log sorts from Contract Harvesting sales, including forest improvement treatment projects. Harvesters must pre-qualify to become an eligible bidder in the qualified bidder pool. Information regarding specific harvesting contracts is found in Harvester Bid Packets on the Current Bid Opportunities page, linked below. Eligible bidders will be notified of new projects. To become an eligible bidder fill out and submit and application packet linked below.