Forest Practices Illustrated

Updated January 2021

Forest Practices Illustrated is a book designed to help forest owners, loggers, and others better understand Washington State's Forest Practices Rules and how they protect fish, water, wildlife, state and municipal capital improvements and other public resources. Commonly encountered rules and operating techniques are explained with text, photographs and illustrations.
The book, which can be downloaded as a single document or by section, is in portable document format (PDF), and can be viewed with the free Adobe Acrobat Reader or similar software.
Download The Entire Book
Forest Practices Illustrated  (69 MB file)
Download By Chapter:
Introduction & Table of Contents: A general overview, table of contents, and frequently asked questions.
Cultural Resources: What cultural resources are; how protecting them preserves human traditions, culture, and history; a general guide to applicable state law; and answers to common questions.
Understanding Unstable Slopes: An introduction to the rules and requirements when conducting forest practices around unstable slopes and features.
Forest Roads: How to protect natural resources when building and maintaining roads and landings, conducting road maintenance, and managing stream crossings.
Timber Harvest: Riparian and wetland management, threatened and endangered species, reforestation, forest chemicals, and harvest systems.
Resources & Glossary: Information about the agencies and organizations that provide forestry assistance, plus a list of frequently used acronyms and a glossary.
For more information, please contact one of the DNR region offices or visit the Small Forest Landowner web page.