DNR Contracting for the Procurement of Goods and/or Services

Sole Source Contracts

Washington state law (RCW 39.26.140(1)) requires the Department of Natural Resources (DNR) to make sole source contracts available for public inspection for a period of not less than ten working days before the proposed starting date of the contract. Please refer to the Washington Department of Enterprise Services (DES Policy POL-DES-140-00) for additional information.
Sole source contracts that DNR contemplates awarding are listed below. For more information, or to receive a copy of the contract, please refer to the contact listed under each project.

Department of Natural Resources
November 7, 2024
The Washington State Department of Natural Resources (DNR), contemplates awarding a sole source contract to Van Wagenen Robert Farel dba Ecoscan Resource Data (hereinafter Ecoscan Resource Data) to provide kelp canopy maps of the Washington State marine coastline from 1) the city of Port Townsend to the Copalis River, including Protection, Tatoosh, and Destruction Islands; and 2) three properties identified as DNR Aquatic Reserves (Smith/Minor, Cypress and Cherry Point). Ecoscan Resource Data will use existing aerial photography images to record the aerial extent of the coastal kelp (Nereocystis luetkeana and Macrocystis pyrifera) canopies from imagery collected during 2023 and 2024 within the survey range established by DNR. Imagery will represent low tide, low current, cloud‐free, calm-water conditions during late summer. All survey imagery will be projected onto existing baseline maps, and the kelp canopies, by species, will be accurately depicted. Each subsequent kelp canopy map will be scanned into an image processing program, and a detailed analysis of canopy planimeter area by canopy number, species, map page, and survey range conducted. Statistical comparisons of changes in these indices between this current survey and those of previous inventory will be included. A variety of output products, including tabular data, spatial data, and maps, will be presented as a means of understanding this important resource. Imagery, processing, analysis and presentation methods will be consistent with the imagery, processing, analysis and presentation methods of 1990‐2022. Extremely high methodological consistency with previous years of data is critical to meeting the state’s long‐term monitoring objective.
A report that describes methods and deliverables is available at:  https://www.dnr.wa.gov/publications/aqr_nrsh_vanwagenen_2015_kelp_tables.pdf?c2tb1e8
DNR requires this contract as long‐term monitoring requires high consistency in methods in order to detect change over time. This is especially important in the field of aerial photography interpretation, which is an interpretive science. Ecoscan Resource Data has interpreted the kelp imagery for DNR since this program’s inception in 1989.  Ecoscan Resource Data’s expertise in this methodology maximizes DNR’s potential for achieving a high quality and consistent project, with minimal risks related to learning curve or start‐up costs.
DNR will enter into a seven-month contract with Ecoscan Resources Data The  contract will be issued on or after December 4, 2024 and will continue for seven months. The cost of this contract is $86,816. DNR may opt to extend the contract for an additional THREE (3) times in ONE (1) YEAR INCREMENTS if required. DNR determines that each optional additional ONE YEAR EXTENSION would result in equal (and/or slightly higher) consideration being added to the  total contract value.
Offerors contemplating the above requirements are   required   to   submit   capability statements detailing their ability to meet the state’s requirements within ten (10) working days of this announcement.
Vendor capability statements should address how they are qualified and capable of performing the following requirements:
  • The vendor must have extensive experience in all aspects of conducting aerial photography based coastal floating kelp canopy surveys. This experience must include: acquiring vertical aerial color infrared photographic imagery and associated observations, interpretation of imagery and transfer of the information into GIS databases, species-specific identification of floating kelp canopy and bed area, statistical comparisons of extent of the kelp along the coastline and between years, and presentation of survey results using maps at various scales as well as tabular and spatial data.
  • The vendor must identify existing aerial photography for use in the mapping in their possession.
  • The vendor must be able to provide high-resolution aerial photography collected in 2023 and 2024 with the following characteristics: low-tide, calm water, and cloud free during peak floating kelp canopy expression (i.e., between July and October).
In the absence of other capable sources, it is the state’s intent to make a sole source award of the contract. To submit capability statements or for questions, contact:
Name: Danielle Claar
Phone: 360-800-7742

Emergency Contracts

Washington state law (RCW 39.26.130(2)) requires that DNR make emergency contracts available for public inspection within three working days following the commencement of work or execution of the contract, whichever comes first. Please refer to DES Policy DES-130-00 for additional requirements related to emergency procurement and purchases.
Emergency procurement and purchases available for public inspection include the following. For more information, or to receive a copy of the procurement/purchase, please refer to the contact listed under each project.
None at this time.

DNR Contracting

For a complete list of state contracts and related rules and policies, please visit the Department of Enterprise Services procurement webpage. 
Per RCW 39.34.040, Interlocal Cooperation Act regarding the filing of agreements, a complete list of known DNR agreements is electronically retrievable on the Department of Enterprise Services procurement webpage.

DNR Sample Purchase Order and Contracts

The Washington State Department of Natural Resources Sample Purchase Order and General Terms and Conditions can be found here: www.dnr.wa.gov/publications/em_obe_contract_terms.pdf
The Washington State Department of Natural Resources Sample Services Contract and General Terms and Conditions can be found here: www.dnr.wa.gov/publications/em_obe_contracting_template.pdf.  
The Washington State Department of Natural Resources Sample Services Contract (work order based) and General Terms and Conditions can be found here:
Agency contractors hereby have access to DNR's policy documents listed in the DNR General Terms and Conditions:

DNR policy documents accessible to contractors 

Per RCW 43.01.135  Sexual harassment in the workplace, agency contractors hereby have access to DNR Policy PO01-052 Harassment Prevention: www.dnr.wa.gov/publications/em_harassment_prevention_policy.pdf
DNR’s Policy PO01-051 Safe and Respectful Workplace, linked below, outlines DNR’s commitment and the expectations for contractors: www.dnr.wa.gov/publications/em_safe_respectful_workplace_policy.pdf 
DNR’s Policy PO01-037 Harassment Prevention outlines DNR’s commitment and the expectations for contractors: www.dnr.wa.gov/publications/em_harassment_prevention_policy_037.pdf

Other ad-hoc documents related to the solicitation process


For information about contracting for goods and services with the Department of Natural Resources, please contact us at DNRContractorSupport@dnr.wa.gov