Proposed and Current Transfers

Eglon proposed transfer

Proposed Transfers: 2025-27 Biennium

The Board of Natural Resources approved the ranked list of applications provided by the Trust Land Transfer Advisory Committee during its September 2024 meeting. Learn more from DNR's news release or the Board of Natural Resources webpage.
The Trust Land Transfer applications for the 2025-27 biennium are available for public review. The recordings of the applicant presentations to the Trust Land Transfer Advisory Committee, as well as the committee's August 15 wrap-up meeting, are available for viewing
July 12 presentations: Key Pen Parks -- Horseshoe Lake; City of Sammamish -- Providence Heights; Yakama Nation -- Tract C North, Tract C South, Tract C East
July 18 presentations: Jefferson County -- Anderson Lake, Beaver Valley, Cape George, Jacob Miller; Washington Department of Fish and Wildlife -- Rustler's Gulch and Babcock Bench
July 26 presentations: Spokane County -- Fancher; City of Spokane -- Thorpe; King County -- Carey Creek, Issaquah Creek; Alpine Lakes Protection Society and Tulalip Tribes -- Beckler 6; Quileute Tribe -- South Lake Ozette; Washington Department of Fish and Wildlife -- Johns River, Balky Hill; Confederated Colville Tribes -- Okanogan G
August 1 presentations: Skamania County -- Blue Lake; Washington State Department of Natural Resources Natural Areas Program -- Stevenson Ridge, Naselle Highlands, Skamokawa Creek, Middle Fork Snoqualmie, Mima Mounds, Morning Star, Spring Creek Canyon, Stavis, Trout Lake
Note on the August 15 meeting: The Mima Mounds Trust Land Transfer proposal has since been withdrawn at the applicant's request. For documents being presented to the Board of Natural Resources at its September 4, 2024, meeting, please visit the Board webpage.

Below is a list of key steps in the Trust Land Transfer (TLT) process and when they are anticipated to occur. Dates are approximate and subject to change.
2025-27 biennium schedule

Current Transfers: 2023-25 Biennium

Lupines at Upper Dry Gulch NRCAIn September 2022, DNR submitted a $25 million capital funding request for the transfer of 10 parcels of state trust lands. Click here to see a booklet about the proposed transfers and how they were selected.
DNR used money received from the Legislature during the 2023 legislative session to complete four proposed transfers:
Funding set aside for the other six transfers will be available to the Department starting January 1, 2025, after which point DNR intends to complete those transfers. If any funded TLTs cannot be completed before the end of the biennium on June 30, 2025, DNR has asked the Legislature to reappropriate any leftover funding to do so. 

Trust Land Transfer Map

See the parcels that were funded in the 2023 legislative session on this interactive map. In the future, all funded and completed transfers will be added to this map.