
We are excited to announce that the Washington Department of Natural Resources’ (DNR) Forest Regulation program is moving forward with steps to build, test and release the long-awaited fpOnline.
This project modernizes the creation, submission, and review process of all Forest Practices Applications and Notifications (FPA/N). fpOnline will enable the online submission of FPAs and associated forms; the acceptance of electronic signatures; the acceptance electronic payments; and the creation of FPA/N related maps.
fponline timeline

The fpOnline project replaces the following technical and manual systems:
  • Manual completion and submittal of FPA/N
  • Forest Practices Application Review System (FPARS)
  • Manual completion and submittal of water type modification forms (WTMF)
  • Water type application (WTA) database
  • Manual completion of Forest Practices Enforcement documents (ENF) located in the Forest Practices Enforcement Tracking System (FPETS)
  • Regional forest practices local systems that currently exist to support document tracking

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Visit the Washington Office of the Chief Information Officer's (OCIO) projct dashboard for fpOnline.