Presentation Archive

The Doty Fault: What is its place in modern crustal deformation of southwest Washington?
Megan Anderson, Todd Lau, Wesley von Dassow, Tabor Reedy, Andrew Sadowski, Alison Horst, Alec Lockett, Rebeca Becerra, Conner Toth, Cat Samson, Alex Steely, Michael Polenz
American Geophysical Union Fall Meeting
San Francisco, CA
December 9–13, 2019
Mapping the Wave—Depicting Tsunami Hazards in Washington State
Daniel E. Coe
North American Cartographic Information Society Meeting
Tacoma, WA
October 16–19, 2019


The Doty Fault Network: 3D Regional Deformation Applied to Seismic Hazard Characterization in the Forearc of Washington State
Megan Anderson, Todd Lau, Wesley von Dassow, Tabor Reedy, Lydia Staisch, Recep Cakir, Andrew Sadowski, Michael Polenz, Rebeca Becerra, Conner Toth, Alex Steely, Tim Walsh, Dave Norman, Brian Sherrod
American Geophysical Union Fall Meeting
Washington, D.C.
December 10–14, 2018
Integrated Geophysical Investigation and 3D Fault Characterization of the Rochester and Adna 7.5-Minute Quadrangles, Thurston and Lewis counties, Washington
Todd Lau, Megan Anderson, Michael Polenz, Andrew Sadowski, Rebeca Becerra, Conner Toth, Recep Cakir, Wesley von Dassow, Tabor Reedy, Lydia Staisch, Alex Steely, Tim Walsh, Brian Sherrod
American Geophysical Union Fall Meeting
Washington, D.C.
December 10–14, 2018


Geologic Map of the Maltby 7.5-Minute Quadrangle, Snohomish and King Counties, Washington
Skyler P. Mavor, Mitchell Allen, Jeffrey H. Tepper, Elizbeth A. Nesbitt, Shannon A. Mahan, Recep Cakir, Bruce A. Stoker, and Megan L. Anderson
Geological Society of America Annual Meeting
Seattle, WA
October 22–25, 2017
Geologic Map of the Littlerock 7.5-Minute Quadrangle, Thurston County, Washington
Michael Polenz, Jessica L. Vermeer, Gabriel Legorreta Paulín, Jeffrey H. Tepper, Shannon A. Mahan, and Recep Cakir
Geological Society of America Annual Meeting
Seattle, WA
October 22–25, 2017
Geologic Map of the Shelton Valley 7.5-Minute Quadrangle, Mason County, Washington
Michael Polenz, Mitchell Allen, Gabriel Legorreta Paulín, Daniel W. Eungard, Recep Cakir, Spenser Scott, and Shannon A. Mahan
Geological Society of America Annual Meeting
Seattle, WA
October 22–25, 2017
Monitoring Active Crustal Faults in Washington: Two PASSCAL Array Experiments
Recip Cakir, Timothy J. Walsh, Spenser Scott, Todd Lau, and Alex Kover
Geological Society of America Annual Meeting
Seattle, WA
October 22–25, 2017
But it Looks Like a Landslide in Lidar! Geologic Mapping of Puget Lowland Glacial Recessional Landforms along Hood Canal
Trevor A. Contreras and Kimberly A. Stone
Geological Society of America Annual Meeting
Seattle, WA
October 22–25, 2017
Landslide Inventory for the Washington Side of the Columbia River Gorge: Clark, Skamania, and Klickitat Counties
Kara E. Jacobacci and Katherine A. Mickelson
Geological Society of America Annual Meeting
Seattle, WA
October 22–25, 2017
Washington State's New Landslide Inventory Mapping Protocol
Katherine A. Mickelson and Stephen L. Slaughter
Geological Society of America Annual Meeting
Seattle, WA
October 22–25, 2017


The New Lidar Program at DNR: Collection, Analysis, and Dissemination
Abby Gleason
Washington State Joint Agency GIS Day
Olympia, WA
November 16, 2016
Lidar + GIS: Revolutionizing Landslide Mapping and Field Evaluation
Kara Jacobacci
Washington State Joint Agency GIS Day
Olympia, WA
November 16, 2016
Revealing Washington's Hidden Landforms with Lidar
Daniel Coe
Washington State Joint Agency GIS Day
Olympia, WA
November 16, 2016
Ice Age Floods National Geologic Trail, Washington Section
Daniel E. Coe and Ashley A. Cabibbo
DNR Earth Science Week 2016
Rapid Landslide Inventories from Lidar: Simplifying the Inventory Process to Share Landslide Data Quickly
Stephen L. Slaughter and Katherine A. Mickelson
Geological Society of America Annual Meeting
Denver, CO
September 25–28, 2016
Floodplain Visualization Using Lidar-Derived Relative Elevation Models
Daniel Coe
Digital Mapping Techniques
Tallahassee, FL
May 22–25, 2016
Lidar Program Development at the Division of Geology and Earth Resources
Abby Gleason
Washington URISA GIS Conference
Tacoma, WA
May 23–25, 2016


New Cascadia Subduction Zone Tsunami Inundation Modeling to Guide Relocation of Coastal Infrastructure for Indian Tribes on the Northern Washington Coast
Timothy J. Walsh, Randall J. LeVeque, Loyce M. Adams, Frank I. Gonzalez, John D. Schelling, and Recep Cakir
American Geophysical Union Fall Meeting
San Fransisco, CA
December 14–18, 2015
Earth Science Week 2015: Visualizing Earth Systems
Ashley A. Cabibbo
DNR Earth Science Week 2015
Geothermal Play-Fairway Analysis of Washington State Prospects
Corina Forson, Michael Swyer, Gina Schmalzle,
Jessica L. Czjkowski, Trenton T. Cladouhous, and Nicholas Davantes
Geothermal Resources Council
Reno, Nevada
September 20–23, 2015
Building 3D PDFs to Visualize Geologic Data
Daniel W. Eungard and David A. Jeschke
Digital Mapping Techniques
Salt Lake City, Utah
September 20–23, 2015


The Connected Systems of the Columbia River
on the Oregon-Washington Border

Oregon Department of Geology and Mineral Industries
and Washington Division of Geology and Earth Resources
DNR Earth Science Week, 2014
The First Tsunami Vertical Evacuation Structure in the United States:
Ocosta Elementary School, Washington

Timothy J. Walsh, John D. Schelling, Cale R. Ash,
Randall J. LeVeque, Loyce M. Adams, and Frank I. Gonzalez
Geological Society of America
Vancouver, British Columbia
October 19–22, 2014
Geothermal Favorability Model of Washington State
Darrick E. Boschmann, Jessica L. Czajkowski, and Jeffrey D. Bowman
Geological Society of America
Vancouver, British Columbia
October 19–22, 2014
Geothermal Play-Fairway Analysis of Washington State Prospects
David K. Norman, Jessica L. Czajkowski, Daniel Eungard,
Trenton C. Cladouhos, Michael W. Swyer, Gina M. Schmalzle,
Nicholas Davatzes, and Ryan A. Cole
Geothermal Resources Council
Portland, Oregon
September 28 – October 1, 2014


Field Trip Guide: Geologic Hazards in Seattle
Tim Walsh
Earthquake Engineering Research Institute
Seattle, Washington
February 15, 2013
Continued Development of a Forecast Tool for Precipitation-Triggered
Shallow Landslides in Washington State

Stephen Slaughter, David Jeschke, and Isabelle Sarikhan
Association of Environmental and Engineering Geologists
Seattle, Washington
September 11–13, 2013
Development of a Washington State Model to Identify
Potential Debris Flows from Wildfire Burn Areas

Stephen Slaughter, Isabelle Sarikhan, Dave Norman,
Tim Walsh, and Robert Mitchell
Washington Hydrogeology Symposium
Tacoma, Washington
April 23–25, 2013


A Combined Active and Passive Seismic Method to Characterize
Strong-Motion Sites in Western Washington, U.S.

D. Pileggi, R. Cakir, E. Lundediei, D. Albarello, and T. J. Walsh
American Geophysical Union
San Francisco, California
December 5–9, 2011
Testing Joint Application of HVSR Ambient Vibration Measurements
and MASW Seismic Survey in the Puget Lowland
and Coastal Area, Washington

Dario Albarello, Recep Cakir, and Timothy J. Walsh
Seismological Society of America
Memphis, Tennessee
April 13–15, 2011
Seismic Site Characterizations at Large Earthquake Station Sites
and Compilation of Site Specific
Information in Washington and Oregon

Recep Cakir and Timothy J. Walsh
Seismological Society of America
Memphis, Tennessee
April 13–15, 2011


Automated Determination of Focal Depth Phases by Integrating the
Cepstral Stacking Method (CSM) Calculations and IRIS Tools

Recep Cakir, Lingsen Meng, and Sheldon S. Alexander
American Geophysical Union
San Francisco, California
December 13-17, 2010
Shallow-Seismic Site Characterizations of Near-Surface Geology
at 20 Strong-Motion Stations in Washington State

Recep Cakir, Timothy J. Walsh, Christopher M. Maffucci,
John Perrault, and Kaelen Burton
Seismological Society of America
Portland, Oregon
April 21-23, 2010


Mapping of Major Latest Pleistocene to Holocene Eruptive Episodes from the Glacier Peak Volcano, Washington--A Record of Laharic Inundation of the Puget Lowlands from Darrington to the Puget Sound
Benjamin W. Stanton and Joe D. Dragovich
Geological Society of America
Portland, Oregon
October 18-21, 2009
Active Faulting Along a Newly Found Segment of the Saddle Mountain
Fault Zone, Southeastern Olympic Mountains, Washington:
A Paleoseismic Trenching Study

Jessica L. Czajkowski, Timothy J. Walsh, Trevor A. Contreras,
Kelsay Davis-Stanton, Harvey M. Kelsey,
Elizabeth R. Schermer, and Robert J. Carson
Geological Society of America
Portland, Oregon
October 18-21, 2009
Mima Mounds Formation and Their Implications for Climate Change
Robert L. Logan and Timothy J. Walsh
Northwest Scientific Association
Seattle, Washington
March 25-28, 2009
Remotely Operated Vehicle (ROV) Video Investigation of Two Large
Seafloor Mounds in Southern Hood Canal, Washington

Recep Cakir, Robert L. Logan, Chris Johnson,
Timothy J. Walsh, Robert Pacunski, Lisa Hiller,
James Beam, and Todd Palzer
Northwest Scientific Association
Seattle, Washington
March 25-28, 2009


Improved Hypocenter Determinations Using the Cepstral Stacking
Method (CSM) with a Dense Regional Network of Stations

Shelton S. Alexander and Recep Cakir
Seismological Society of America
Santa Fe, New Mexico
April 16-18, 2008


Compilation and Production of the 1:500,000-scale Geologic Map
of Washington State

J. Eric Schuster, Charles G. Caruthers, Anne C. Heinitz,
and Karen D. Meyers
Digital Mapping Techniques
Columbia, South Carolina
May 20-23, 2007
Morphology of the Alderwood Landslide; A Probable Origin for
Tsunami at Lynch Cove, Puget Sound, Washington

Isabelle Y. Sarikhan, Timothy J. Walsh, and Recep Cakir
Geological Society of America, Cordilleran Section
Seattle, Washington
May 4-6, 2007
A Prototype 2007 Seismic Design Category Map for Residential
Construction in the State of Washington

Recep Cakir, Timothy Walsh, and Isabelle Sarikhan
Geological Society of America, Cordilleran Section
Seattle, Washington
May 4-6, 2007
Use of Radiocarbon Dating and Dendrochronology to Investigate
a Submerged Forest in Eld Inlet

Jo Martens, Patrick T. Pringle, and Michael Polenz
Geological Society of America, Cordilleran Section
Seattle, Washington
May 4-6, 2007
Recognition of Non-Rule Identified High Hazard Landforms
Identified During Landslide Hazard Zonation
Mapping in Washington State

Carol F. Serdar
Geological Society of America, Cordilleran Section
Seattle, Washington
May 4-6, 2007


Strong-Motion Amplification Maps of the Olympia Area:
Validation by the Nisqually Earthquake

Stephen P. Palmer, Timothy J. Walsh, and Brian L. Sherrod
Geological Society of America Cordilleran Section Meeting
Corvallis, Oregon
May 13–15, 2002
Ground Failures in the Southern Puget Sound Lowlands Caused
by the Nisqually Earthquake

Timothy, J. Walsh, Karl W. Wegmann, William S. Lingley,
Joe D. Dragovich, Patrick T. Pringle, Stephen P. Palmer,
David K. Norman, Michael Polenz, Robert L. Logan,
Donald T. McKay, Sammantha L. Magsino, and Henry W. Schasse
Geological Society of America Cordilleran Section Meeting
Corvallis, Oregon
May 13–15, 2002