​DNR Releases Final Outdoor Access and Responsible Recreation Strategic Plan
News Date: 
January 8, 2025

The agency’s first statewide recreation plan will guide recreation management and funding requests for the next decade.

The Washington Department of Natural Resources (DNR) has released the final version of its first statewide recreation strategic plan. The Outdoor Access and Responsible Recreation (OARR) Strategic Plan is a statewide strategy to guide the management of recreation and impacts to natural and cultural resources on DNR-managed lands.
Since the onset of the COVID-19 pandemic, there has been a measurable increase in visitation to public lands across the state. Simultaneously, vandalism, resource damage, and illegal trash dumping have become increasingly common across DNR-managed lands. This puts a significant strain on staff capacity and resources. The OARR Plan outlines a path to address these concerns.
The plan includes 15 strategies and five strategy topics—planning tools and processes; resource protection, enforcement, and public safety; equitable access; education and stewardship; and funding. Strategies and their associated near-term and ongoing actions describe how DNR will achieve the desired goals outlined in the plan.
“As more people get outside and enjoy the beauty of our public lands across Washington, recreation can have significant impact on our landscapes,” said Commissioner of Public Lands Hilary Franz. “With this guide in hand, I am confident that DNR lands across Washington will continue to be some of the best places to recreate in the state. While this plan is just the first step in addressing the concerns of so many, it will move us forward and help us learn what more needs to be done. I’m proud of the final plan presented today and look forward to the progress to come.”
Since outreach was launched in summer 2023, DNR has worked collaboratively with Tribes throughout the development process. DNR also conducted a series of meetings with community groups, the public, Tribes, and trust beneficiaries to garner input before and during the drafting process.
“We thank our Tribal partners across the state for their continued involvement in development of this Plan from start to finish, and for their collaborative efforts to work with DNR and other land managers in addressing recreation impacts to resources on public lands,” said Patrick DePoe, DNR’s Tribal Affair Director. “This has been a truly collaborative effort, and we look forward to strengthening our relationships with Tribes through continued partnership and meaningful engagement as the plan is implemented.”
A draft version of the plan was released in October 2024 followed by a monthlong public review period. More than 150 comments were submitted via an online survey or through virtual public meetings, and many suggestions were implemented into the final plan released today.
“The OARR plan deserves to be widely read. This document contains many great ideas for the protection of natural and cultural resources, increasing equitable access and maintaining the recreation facilities that people cherish,” said Michael DeCramer, Policy and Planning Manager at the Washington Trails Association. “Washington Trails Association knows that people will work to protect the places they love. That is why WTA’s crews, composed primarily of volunteers, completed around 19,000 hours of work on DNR lands in 2024. The strategic plan recognizes the value of DNR lands to the people of our state. It acknowledges challenges and charts a path forward for land managers. Let’s work together to implement the vision in the OARR plan.”
“By providing several opportunities to gather community and stakeholder input during the drafting process, DNR obtained robust feedback from a wide variety of user groups that helped inform their work and ensure a more inclusive vision,” said Erin Keeley, Accessibility Consultant. “Creating the OARR Strategic Plan took significant effort from DNR, and the end result demonstrates their comprehensive approach toward creating this important document that will help to sustain and preserve outdoor recreation for everyone's benefit.”
“The Pacific Northwest Four-Wheel Drive Association, representing 65 clubs and more than 1900 members across the PNW, has appreciated the opportunity to partner with DNR and other participating user organizations in developing the OARR Plan,” said John Vandergrift, President of the Pacific Northwest Four Wheel Drive Association. “The task has been monumental, and it is evident that DNR has strived to include every interested party in the process at many different levels. We especially appreciate that DNR has committed to systematically addressing concerns around vandalism and public safety before implementing closures, and that maintaining responsible recreational access to our state’s rich natural resources is a critical goal; a goal which I think is being achieved.”
“The Mountaineers and our community of responsible recreationists, conservationists, and outdoor educators are proud to support DNR’s OARR Strategic Plan,” said Tom Vogl, CEO of The Mountaineers. “As demand for outdoor recreation continues to rise in Washington, we’re pleased that DNR is proactively planning to provide equitable and consistent access to recreation opportunities, while protecting critical natural and cultural resources. We commend the agency for co-developing the plan with Tribal nations, along with input from the public and partners like The Mountaineers. We look forward to working with DNR to implement the plan and advocating for funding from the state legislature to sustainably manage recreation on DNR-managed lands.”
The final plan can be viewed here: www.dnr.wa.gov/publications/amp_rec_oarrplan.pdf
More detailed information and documents about the Plan and engagement to date can be found at dnr.wa.gov/staterecplan
Courtney James
Communications Manager