Klickitat Canyon Natural Resources Conservation Area

Klickitat Canyon Natural Resources Conservation Area
Spectacular views of the undammed and free-flowing Klickitat River contribute to the scenic value of this 2,336-acre conservation area that is largely in Yakima County, with smaller acreage in Klickitat County. Mount Adams rises in the distance above sheer cliff rims that line the river canyon. A mixed coniferous forest dotted with ponderosa pine and Douglas-fir covers most of the site, and a historic railroad grade parallels the canyon.
In addition to habitat for seven rare plant species, Klickitat Canyon NRCA is home to black bear, bobcat, deer and many types of birds. Bald eagles are often seen along the banks of the river. The NRCA also contains one of only four areas of nesting habitat in Washington for the state-listed endangered greater sandhill crane.
Features Protected: Scenic river canyon, seven rare plant species (Pulsifer’s monkeyflower, diffuse stick-seed, long-bearded sego lily, oblong bluecurls, Kellogg’s rush, dwarf rush, and rosy owl clover), and greater Sandhill crane.
Ecoregion: East Cascades (Yakima and Klickitat Counties)
Ecoregion: East Cascades (Yakima and Klickitat Counties)
Science, Research and Monitoring
Public and private universities, other research institutions and individual researchers may contact DNR to propose a research project at the site. If you are interested in pursuing research at Klickitat Canyon NRCA, please contact David Wilderman, natural areas ecologist, at david.wilderman@dnr.wa.gov.
Environmental Education and Public Access
Currently no formal educational programs are available at Klickitat Canyon NRCA. The site has no developed public access facilities. For more information, contact the DNR Southeast Region natural areas manager.