Camas Meadows Natural Area Preserve

Color photo of Camas Meadows Natural Area Preserve (NAP)
Located in the Wenatchee Mountains of north-central Washington, this 2,018-acre preserve contains the largest known population of two plant species, Wenatchee Mountains checker-mallow (Sidalcea oregana var. calva), which is federally listed as “endangered,” and Wenatchee larkspur (Delphinium viridescens), state-listed as “endangered.” These two species are known to exist only within a portion of the Wenatchee Mountains. The preserve is made up of lush meadows dotted with aspen groves and surrounded by ponderosa pine and fir forests.
Features Protected: Wenatchee Mountains checker-mallow, Wenatchee larkspur, and tall agoseris (Agoseris elata).
Ecoregion:  East Cascades (Chelan County)

Science, Research and Monitoring

Public and private universities, other research institutions and individual researchers may contact DNR to propose a research project at the site. If you are interested in pursuing research at Camas Meadows NAP, please contact David Wilderman, natural areas ecologist, at
Examples of research and monitoring projects
  • Zimmerman, T. and S. Reichard. 2005. Factors affecting persistence of Wenatchee Mountains checkermallow: An Exploratory Look at a Rare Endemic. Northwest Science (79): 172-178.
  • Harrod, R., Knecht, D., Wilderman, D., and L. Malmquist. 2000. The effects of fire on selected rare plants of the Wenatchee Mountains. In: Proceedings from a Conference of the Rare Plant Care & Conservation Program of the University of Washington. Editors: Sarah H. Reichard, Peter Dunwiddie, John Gamon, Art Kruckeberg, Debra Salstrom. Washington Native Plant Society, Seattle. 223 pp.

Environmental Education and Public Access 

Currently, there are no formal education programs at Camas Meadows. To protect the sensitive meadow habitat, please do not walk out into the meadow. For more information, contact the DNR Southeast Region natural areas manager.

Directions to the SiteCamas Meadows NAP abloom with color.

From the intersection of Highway 2 and Highway 97 in Chelan County, travel approximately 5 miles south of Highway 2 (or 15 miles north of Swauk Pass if coming from the Cle Elum area), turn east onto Camas Creek Road. Proceed up Camas Creek Road about 3 miles to the western boundary of the site, where the road forks; limited parking is on the left.
A Washington State Discover Pass is required for parking at this site. This funding helps DNR manage these important natural areas across the state.