Action 8: Grow Tree Canopy in Priority Urban Areas
Improving the health and distribution of urban forests mitigates adverse environmental conditions associated with urban landscapes such as urban heat islands, pollution and stormwater runoff. These conditions degrade the health and sustainability of adjacent aquatic and riparian ecosystems such as rivers, streams and nearshore habitats upon which salmon and other species depend.
Outcome 17: Increase tree canopy by 2,000 acres (3.5% increase) in Snohomish Watershed cities and towns by 2031.
Outcome 18: Plant 10,000 trees annually alongside streams, streets and other priority landscapes in Snohomish Watershed cities and towns through 2031, to achieve clean water goals.
0-3 Year Actions
Action 8.1 Tree Canopy Data
Analyze and share tree canopy data and recommendations for WRIA 7, using recently released data for Snohomish and King counties. Use results to help local governments identify target locations for strategic investments and to inform policy changes to improve urban forest health at scale. Supply analysis data to all 13 municipalities in WRIA 7 by the end of 2022.
Action 8.2 Tree Canopy Equity
Deploy new prioritization tools for health and equity impacts to ensure at least 50% of urban tree program resources are deployed in highly impacted communities. This will include the Health Disparities Mapping Tool and the Community Engagement Plan under the Healthy Environments for All (HEAL) Act.
Action 8.3 Urban Forestry Technical Assistance
Provide urban forestry technical assistance to WRIA 7 cities.
Action 8.4 Urban Forestry Prioritization Framework
Develop Urban Forestry Prioritization Framework to plant 10,000 trees annually and increase tree canopy by 2,000 acres. Work with communities to identify priority urban tree planting areas based on environmental, health and equity criteria. Develop an online dashboard to measure progress.
4-10 Year Actions
Action 8.5 Urban Forestry Prioritization Framework
Implement the Urban Forestry Prioritization Framework with communities to plant and maintain 10,000 new trees annually and increase their tree canopy by 2,000 acres by 2031. Utilize Urban Forestry Revitalization crews where appropriate.