Nearshore Habitat Inventory

Nearshore HabitatInventory projects assess the abundance and distribution of marine and estuarine habitats.
Data and information are available for the following projects:

The Washington State ShoreZone Inventory

The ShoreZone Inventory describes physical and biological characteristics of intertidal and shallow subtidal areas along Washington State's saltwater shorelines. This synoptic inventory includes more than 50 habitat characteristics, including physical features such as shoreline type, vegetation types such as kelp and eelgrass, and anthropogenic features such as bulkheads. It has been used in a wide range of planning and research projects.

Whatcom County Intertidal Habitat Inventory

During the summer of 1995, 110 miles of intertidal shoreline were surveyed in the Whatcom County area. The resulting polygon-based inventory characterizes physical and biological components of nearshore habitat. Airborne multispectral sensor data was collected at four (4) meter resolution to distinguish eight (8) intertidal vegetation types. Ground data and airphoto interpretation were used to map shoreline characteristics such as wave energy, substrate type, and water regime.

Skagit County Intertidal Habitat Inventory

During the summers of 1996 and 1997, 230 miles of intertidal shoreline were surveyed in the Skagit County area. The resulting polygon-based inventory characterizes physical and biological components of nearshore habitat. Airborne multispectral sensor data was collected at four (4) meter resolution to distinguish eight (8) interdidal vegetation types. Ground data and airphoto interpretation were used to map shoreline characteristics such as wave energy, substrate type, and water regime.
In addition to inventory projects, extensive spatial data on the distribution of marine vegetation is available as part of: