var $j=jQuery.noConflict(); $j(document).ready(function(){ var providerInfo; $j.ajax({ url: '', dataType: 'json', type: 'Get', success: function (data) { providerInfo = data; // Find records in the json file that match the county that the user clicked on the map. var countySearchTable = $j("#countySearchTable"); var countyTableElem = '
'; countySearchTable.append(countyTableElem); var providerObjStr = ''; providerObjStr += ''; if (providerInfo&& providerInfo.length > 0) { // Add the data to the table for this county providerInfo.forEach(function (providerObj, i) { providerObjStr += ''; providerObjStr += '' + providerObj.Organization + ''; providerObjStr += '' + providerObj.Contact + ''; providerObjStr += '' + providerObj.Street + ''; providerObjStr += '' + providerObj.City + ''; providerObjStr += '' + providerObj.Phone + ''; providerObjStr += '' + providerObj.Email + ''; providerObjStr += '' + providerObj.Website + ''; providerObjStr += ''; }); providerObjStr += ''; $j('#provider_table tbody').html(''); $j('#provider_table').append(providerObjStr); } } } ); function countySearch() { //Get width and heigth of Div var width ="#countySearch").style("width"), height = 420, scale; width = width.substring(0, width.length - 2); if(isNaN(width)){ width = 550 } if (width > 500 && width < 700) scale = width * 10; else if (width >= 700 && width < 1000) scale = width * 7; else if (width >= 1000 && width < 1500) scale = width * 4; else if (width >= 1500 && width < 2000) scale = width * 3; else if (width >= 2000) scale = width * 1.5; else scale = width * 10; //Set projection to projection close to State Plane var projection = d3.geo.conicConformal() .rotate([120.5, 0]) .center([0, 47.3]) .parallels([45.83, 47.33]) .scale(scale) //center .translate([width / 2, height / 2]) .precision(.1); //load projection into path variable var path = d3.geo.path() .projection(projection); var svg ="#countySearch").append("svg") .attr("width", width) .attr("height", height); var g = svg.append("g"); queue() .defer(d3.json, "") .defer(d3.json, "") .await(drawMap); function drawMap(error, wa, cities) { g.append("g") .attr("id", "state") .selectAll("path") .data(topojson.feature(wa, wa.objects.counties).features) .enter().append("path") //draw coords .attr("d", path) //selects each piece .attr("class", "county") .on("mouseup", function (d) { //queryCounty(; queryCounty(; }); //append city g.append("g") .attr("id", "cities") .selectAll("path") .data(topojson.feature(cities, cities.objects.cities).features) .enter().append("path") .attr("d", path.pointRadius(3)) .attr("class", "city"); //label g.append("g") .attr("id", "names") .selectAll("labels") .data(topojson.feature(cities, cities.objects.cities).features) .enter().append("text") .attr("transform", function (d) { return "translate(" + projection(d.geometry.coordinates) + ")"; }) .attr("dy", -5) .attr("dx", -2) .text(function (d) { return; }) .attr("class", "labels"); } function queryCounty(county) { console.log(county); //console.log($j('#countySearchTable')); var countySearchTable = $j("#countySearchTable"); var countyTableElem = '
'; countySearchTable.append(countyTableElem); var countyTable = $j("#countyTable"); countyTable.empty(); // Clear any rows in table // Check that provider info and county variables are valid if (county && providerInfo && providerInfo.length > 0) { // Find records in the json file that match the county that the user clicked on the map. var providerObjArr = findObjectsByKey(providerInfo, 'COUNTY_CD', county); var newRow; var providerObjStr = ''; providerObjStr += ''; if (providerObjArr && providerObjArr.length > 0) { // Add the data to the table for this county providerObjArr.forEach(function (providerObj, i) { providerObjStr += ''; providerObjStr += '' + providerObj.Organization + ''; providerObjStr += '' + providerObj.Contact + ''; providerObjStr += '' + providerObj.Street + ''; providerObjStr += '' + providerObj.City + ''; providerObjStr += '' + providerObj.Phone + ''; providerObjStr += '' + providerObj.Email + ''; providerObjStr += '' + providerObj.Website + ''; providerObjStr += ''; }); providerObjStr += ''; $j('#provider_table tbody').html(''); $j('#provider_table').append(providerObjStr); } else { countyTable.empty(); countySearchTable = $j("#countySearchTable"); countyTableElem = '
'; countySearchTable.append(countyTableElem); providerObjStr = ''; providerObjStr += '' + "No data available for county" + ''; providerObjStr += ''; // Add the data to the table for this county providerInfo.forEach(function (providerObj, i) { providerObjStr += ''; providerObjStr += '' + providerObj.Organization + ''; providerObjStr += '' + providerObj.Contact + ''; providerObjStr += '' + providerObj.Street + ''; providerObjStr += '' + providerObj.City + ''; providerObjStr += '' + providerObj.Phone + ''; providerObjStr += '' + providerObj.Email + ''; providerObjStr += '' + providerObj.Website + ''; providerObjStr += ''; }); providerObjStr += ''; $j('#provider_table tbody').html(''); $j('#provider_table').append(providerObjStr); } } else { console.log("No data"); } } function findObjectsByKey(array, key, value) { // Returns the matching elements in an array who's key matches the value passed in var objArr = []; for (var i = 0; i < array.length; i++) { if (array[i][key] === value) { // Add object to return array objArr.push(array[i]); } } return objArr; } } countySearch(); });