OESF Forest Land Plan

Forest Land Plan

Introduction,  (Cover, Table of Contents)
Chapter 1, Background 
Chapter 2, Management Approach
Chapter 3, Goals, Objectives and Management Strategies
Chapter 4, Research, Monitoring and Adaptive Management
Chapter 5, Glossary
Chapter 6, References

Final Environmental Impact Statement - August 2016  

Final EIS in sections
Introduction (Cover, Commissioner's Letter, Fact Sheet, Table of Contents)
Executive Summary
Chapter 1, Background 
Chapter 2, Proposed Action and Alternatives
Chapter 3, Environmental Analysis
Chapter 4, Cumulative Impacts and Uncertainties
Chapter 5, References
Appendix A, Pathways Alternative
Appendix B, Scoping Notice and Responses to Scoping Comments
Appendix C, Water Quality
Appendix D, Modeling
Appendix E, Forest Conditions and Management
Appendix F, Procedures
Appendix G, Riparian
Appendix H, Soils
Appendix I, Northern Spotted Owls
Appendix J (Blank), This appendix not used
Appendix K, Wildlife
Appendix L, Response to Comments
Appendix M, Maps
Appendix N, Distribution List
Appendix O, Climate Change
Appendix P, Fish


Revised Draft Environmental Impact Statement - October 2013  

Revised Draft EIS in pieces
Introduction (Cover, Commissioner's Letter, Fact Sheet, Table of Contents, Executive Summary) 
Chapter 1, Background 
Chapter 2, Proposed Action and Alternatives
Chapter 3, Environmental Analysis
Chapter 4, Cumulative Impacts and Uncertainties
Chapter 5, References
Appendix A, Draft Forest Land Plan
Appendix A-1, Information Management
              A-2, Riparian Buffer Recommendations
              A-3, Draft Procedures
              A-4, Implementation Monitoring
              A-5, Riparian Validation Monitoring - A Conceptual Framework
              A-6, Mapping Norther Spotted Owl Habitat in the OESF: Two Approaches
Appendix B, Scoping Notice and Responses to Scoping Comments
Appendix C, Water Quality
Appendix D, Modeling
Appendix E, Forest Conditions
Appendix F, Procedures
Appendix G, Riparian
Appendix H, Soils
Appendix I, Northern Spotted Owls
Appendix J (Blank), This appendix not used
Appendix K, Wildlife
Appendix L, Summary of Comments on DEIS
Appendix M, Maps
Appendix N, Distribution List for RDEIS
Appendix O, Climate Change
Appendix P, Fish